Lethargic, poopy, not hungry, HELP!

Daisy's 10th and final day of antibiotics.
I hope that she will stay healthy now.
It never ceases to amaze me how resilient they are! I'm so happy that Daisy's ordeal is finally over. 10 days of antibiotics...that's a lot...wow. I'm so glad she's continuing to improve.
I had one that was a 40 day wait to eat eggs and 120 if we wanted to eat the chicken. Mind you this was after spending an arm and a leg at the vet so there would be no chicken dinner. But I hear baytril is pretty good so you got that going for you.
I have to say, I was SUPER skeptical about even trying a vet with a chicken....many of them don't know anything about chickens or refuse to see them...the vet I saw actually owns chickens herself thankfully and everyone at the office was so curious and tickled that I brought her in, they thought it was sweet that I wasn't giving up on her just because she was a chicken...and she is doing GREAT after the Baytril...she has been laying every day, and I always feel so guilty when I have to trash it.....
I feel bad when I accidentally drop them too, I just know those girls work so hard to lay those eggs so I treasure them all....hahahahaha! Just goes to show...vets are beginning to take into account the more people getting chickens as pets/backyard style. Daisy is such a spunky, boisterous, and friendly girl (and she's a Leghorn, go figure), I just would be devastated to lose her, so I'm glad she is back to her old, peppy self.
Dear Blondiebee181:

I am so glad that your roller coaster ride with Daisy seems to be over! I just saw the thread and am glad it ended on a happy note. I didn't realize I'd been holding my breath until I got to the end. I love my girls, too, and when someone's not quite right everything stops at my house. Your vet experience was absolutely fantastic & I'd like to see more of that happen all across the country. Lots of us haven't had such good experiences. If you're trying to put some weight on her, perhaps try feeding some scrambled eggs once a day. A little yogurt won't hurt either, since the Bactrim gets rid of the good bacteria in the digestive tract, as well as the bad bacteria elsewhere in the body. And I have a natural recipe for liver detox, if you're interested. 1 Tblsp Organic Apple Cider Vinegar ("Bragg's" is the brand I use) + 1 Tblsp Baking Soda. Mix in a large enough container to contain the foaming reaction, as you don't want to lose the mix as it bubbles. And it bubbles A LOT. Once the bubbling has settled down. Add 2-3 Tblsp Water. Hold the chicken and get as much down her throat as you can. She will NOT like it, you will wear some as she shakes her head and tries to run away, but it works. ( I am certain you already know this but...Just be careful when giving any liquids to a chicken not to do it too fast. You don't want it going into their lungs.). Dose your bird two or 3 times a day for the first couple of days. You should see improvement. In Daisy's case, since the antibiotic is already working and she's finished her course, she may benefit from once a day for a couple of days. Move that gunk outta the liver. Always make a fresh batch, as the initial chemical reaction is part of what you want to introduce to the liver. This works on people, cats, dogs & chickens, in my personal experience. I mix my doses in an old pill bottle (short, fat, brown Rx type) & coax into my girls by tapping their beaks with a straw full of the stuff. There are faster ways to get more in them an less on me, but a little cuddling and pampering when they're sick is just as beneficial for them as it is for me, or at least I like to think so!

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