Lethargic Rooster(Clear Liquid from Mouth)


11 Years
Oct 21, 2008
Raleigh N.C.
I have a rooster who is lethargic and not acting like the other birds. I think he is losing weight. His dropping are very watery and when I picked him up a slimly clear liquid poured from his mouth.

Does anyone know what is wrong with him?
Does his crop feel big and hard, and or big and squishy? I had a hen that did the same thing as you described and she ended up having sour crop, or that is what I believe it was. Sadly she didn't make it, even after I did all the treatments suggested. There are tons of threads on this if you look up impacted crop, or sour crop.

Hope you find some answers on here. Good luck!
I would check for sour crop or impacted crop as well. I heard sour crop tends to have an odor. Impacted crop gets very hard and they cannot pass their food to the gizzard. Sometimes it is due to them eating something (grass/hay are big culprits) or it can be due to the muscle in there stops working correctly.
how old is the rooster? Could it be cocci? Read this:

If you've ever survived a round of Cocci in your own flock, you know what I mean about devastating. If you're new to the Fancy with a cute little backyard flock, your days are numbered for heartbreak. It will come from nowhere in the form of a once healthy nice little bird suddenly looking as though they've ruffled their feathers. They may already be sulking in a corner. Then comes the bloody diarrhea or the oozing of clear fluid from the mouth when you pick them up. By this time, it's too late - most of the damage is already done, and it's only taken about 96 hours to get there. Cocci outbreaks are particularly disappointing because they usually strike our youngsters. Adult birds have some resistance to it, but only to the particular strain they've already been exposed to. If you bring in a brand new strain from another farm on your shoes, and conditions are right for their multiplication (damp litter or soil, spring-like temperatures), the adults will fall victim too.

Here's the website:

Good luck to you, I know it's devistating when our fuzzies get sick.

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