Let's See Your White Leghorns!


In the Brooder
Jan 28, 2017
Marana, AZ
From my first chick as a 14 years old, to the five pullets I bought today, White Leghorns have always been my absolute favorite breed of chicken! I don't know if its the stories my grandfather told me as a kid of his farm with hundreds of the proud white birds and their magnificent egg laying skills or the sweet disposition of my first special hen.
Sadly I never see these great birds getting the love other breeds get! It would be lovely to see everyone's White Leghorns and hear their stories about them!

My pretty new babies
not from anywhere special, just the local feed store, but they're the start to my new flock so they're very special to me
I'll chime in....

I've never been a fan of pure white birds, so I've never had white Leghorns until this past year. I've had the browns and really liked them, especially their production. Well, last spring the feed store was having a give away of chicks with purchase of a sack of feed. I wound up with a few white Leghorn pullets and decided to keep two for breeding SBELs, or to try crossing with my Marans to see what happens. I was interested in them purely as breeding stock and didn't intend to especially like them. I've always heard how they're flighty, etc.

Well, my girls forgot to read the book about being flighty and stand-offish
. They're my most underfoot, friendly, inquisitive birds. My birds aren't pets, so this is unusual for me. They are a bit flighty, going up and over the run if they want to lay in the hay barn instead of the coop, but that's not too big a deal for me. They're pretty bold, coming right up to me for treats, and of course absolutely wonderful layers of large white eggs. They've been my most dependable layers this last winter, bless their little hearts.

One eschewed the nest box early on. She's decided to lay in the large tube feeder.....

Now, I check the feeder every day and say "Thank you!".
I've got four layers that I've had since November. Friends were unable to over-winter their backyard hens, so I agreed to look after them as we just bought a farm and had an old coop we could use (which they graciously fixed up for us). Not sure when they'll be going back to their owners.

I didn't order any leghorns of my own for this spring as I wanted more cold hardy breeds; but I have to say they've been doing fairly well and are very nice birds! Not to mention that they've barely skipped a day in egg production
. So far, no real issues other then a bit of frostbite on the combs when it first got cold, and they've been great with the toddler. They're pretty pushy about their food though

Well, it's been fun but these ladies are headed back to their owners on Tuesday.
Good thing I picked up new chicks yesterday; I won't be chicken-less...but no more leghorns
Obviously this thread isn't particularly active, but it seems like the most appropriate place to post.


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