Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So cute you guys! I love broodies!
This is our first experience with a broody. This hen has never pecked us or growled at us. She even lets us pick her up to check her nest. That was not what I was expecting after reading here about all the mean broodies.

She lets us handle her chicks with no problem -- the other chickens, though, she growls at them! Hopefully she will be mean enough to protect her little ones from the other chickens!

What a great experience.
i have 2 frist time broody hens setting. one is a buff chantaler named quanitia and the other is a white easter-egger named bunny.my olest grand daughter has a wonderful nack for naming my hens. buuny has 5 eggs under her and is due the 21 of feb. and quanitia has 3 eggs she is due the 13 of feb. who knows what we will end up with. i have 38 hens (austrolops,faverolles,leghorn-brown and white,easter-eggers,chantler, sliver cook coos,domiquies RR and goldenlaced wyandottes and sylivia a anduliasian hen )and 3 roos faverolle (George aka: peepers),golenlaced wyandott(samson) and a blue andalusian(andy). it will be fun to see what we get.
i hope they will hatch my husband and i move each hens in to their own dog kennels and have placed heat lamps above to keep them warm. we have had awful weather in michigan and this week we are to get into negitive daytime temps by the week end.
time will tell. i do not know why they did wait for better weather

We think we have our first broody
I think she's a bantam cochin (my fil brought home a box of bantam chickens somebody was giving away last summer and she was one of them, there was also a black (with a little white) rooster and another black hen with cheek tufts who had four chicks with her, she lays blue eggs and the one sitting right now lays very light brown eggs)

ETA: I need to change my signature line, we have different birds now...
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So far I've had good luck with my cochin mamas. They growl a bit, but aren't worried about me handling the babies and haven't pecked. But those other hens better watch out!
Careful when you pick her up--do it slowly and from behind sort of reaching under her wings to shake out any chicks that might be "stuck" in her feathers. My currently 5 week olds under the sister cochin had her chicks climbing all over her like monkeys! One would pop out on her back, above her wing, under the chest! Little cucarachas!
woolychicken: good luck! I am using the dog kennel attached to a 1. cupboard and 2. small dog house with a roof that opens. Love how it gives mama some privacy, but lets the other birds get used to the chicks for a bit before Mama brings them out. I keep them in about two weeks.

princessmama: are you going to let her set? Have any eggs? I love my cochin mamas! So good!
Hi every one..
My hen just sat on 7 Asil eggs on 4-02-11...
Hoping thet eggs will hatch on 25-02-11...
Pic is as below...
I can't wait to have a broody hen! I will be a hatching machine for sure! My incubator can't hold very many eggs, so I don't get to buy the higher number of eggs from sellers. Once I get a broody hen, I can and put half in my bator, half under my live bator!

Very pretty birds, everyone!
I have a broody Buff Rock who is a very good mama. She has raised half the chickens in my yard. I want to use her to take care of biddies I am ordering (time for some new blood!) Is there a thread to show me how to set this up? I was thinking of letting her get settled on some eggs in a separate place and then slipping the biddies in. I feel like that is too easy- what is the real way to do this?

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