Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poopy broody. Yuck what do you do if the broody poops on herself in the nest. I picked her up and cleaned the nest but she is still dried on and yucky. It is cold outside folks what should i do leave her alone. I don't think she is committed enough to give eggs yet. Gloria Jean
If the nest is clean, I would let her be for a day. If she is still setting, you can clean her tomorrow.

First baby is here for the game!!

I have confirmed two out and dry but mommy is guarding her clutch like a pro.
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Hi over there!
I see that you have posted this in at least two placed that I read... I see your dilemma with the large BO and small hatchlings. Did you actually see the first one so that you know it didn't have a problem already? My broody kicked a chick out of the nest as it was sickly--just wondering and trying to come up with alternate possibilities. My current broody smooshed two eggs trying to keep the other hens off the nest, then after I isolated her, she crushed one more with no excuse! Jeepers. (But now hatched 5/7 remaining eggs successfully!)

I guess the moral of the story is that you can't always know what will happen. Is your silkie hatching at the same time? If she's not, and not broody then that won't work, so better just hope for the best with your BO mama, and not put small-sized chicks (eggs) with her again just in case. (Not her fault--she's just BIG!)

Let us know how this turns out. Best of luck!
I would just clean the nest/area and leave her be. If it's cold you don't want to give her a bath and run the risk of her getting a chill. She may be dirty but she will dry off. It's most likely her rear end that's dirty and not her broody belly area. She should be fine. Just clean up the area the best that you can.
I had my 4th grade homeschooled daughter do a writing assignment the other day...to write what she knew about broody hens. Thought I'd share what she wrote for fun:

"A broody hen is a chicken. Broody means a chicken lays unfertilized eggs and thinks it is fertilized and tries to hatch them. You might think this is good but this is bad! Because, the hen might not get enough food, water etc, and die. Give the hen lots of yummy, yummy treats like these: cooked potato, watermelon, oats, oatmeal, apple cores, cranberries and caterpillars (preferred alive - chickens like the wiggle).
If you are getting eggs for your chicken make sure that she gets some exercise, food, water, and pooped before getting back on the nest. If you're going to get rid of your chicken there's three ways to do it. One kill it outside of city district (our city prohibits chicken slaughter inside city limits). Two, sell it. And last but not least, give it away to a friend."

Not entirely accurate, but amusing!

We're currently starting week 2 of our broody setting on 7 assorted eggs...it's so fun!


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