Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

Yes, chick starter is fine for him. There can be many brands of vitamins, but only Poultry Nutri-Drench and Poultry Cell vitamins have the selenium. Selenium is also in eggs, tuna, salmon, nuts, and sunflower kernels, so you can give one of those daily to add selenium to his diet. Foods containing vitamin E are canola oil, salmon, sunflower seeds, kale and swiss chard, so you can use those too.
I found Poultry Cell at Tractor Supply and also got some Chick Starter. He ate some and I gave him a little of the Poultry Cell
in a syringe. Added some to the water too and saw him drink. He also ate a good bit of the chick starter.
He does seem to have a bit of mucus in his nostril and is breathing through his mouth some.
All in all he is not any worse and has been standing some.
Is there anything else I should be doing?
Sad update

My big ol guy passed about 30 min ago.
I could see this morning that he was worse so I brought him inside.
I gave him a warm bath as his backside was all poopie.
Wrapped him in towels and kept him comfy. He just slowly slipped away.
I knew he wasn't going to make it but I had to try.
RIP Chester
Sad update

My big ol guy passed about 30 min ago.
I could see this morning that he was worse so I brought him inside.
I gave him a warm bath as his backside was all poopie.
Wrapped him in towels and kept him comfy. He just slowly slipped away.
I knew he wasn't going to make it but I had to try.
RIP Chester
so sorry
I am so sorry to hear about Chester. You did all you could do. Sounds like you gave him your loving care right up until the end. Once we name our chickens they become our Pets. And we treat them like our dogs and cats. I feel for your loss...........
I know this is an old post but maybe I was hoping for some help, my 2 day old peachick appears to have this problem, and just started an hour ago. She seems to be able to preen alright but occasionally just starts throwing her head backwards and walking backwards crashing into things. She holds her head facing up. And I'm really worried about her. Any ideas?
The best advice I can give you is to read back through the tread. There are many good ideas. You can see what you think will work best for you. I think the best advice is to start treatment as soon as you can. I made a paste of powdered food scrambled eggs with vitamin supplements and fed it with a large syringe. A tube attachment made it easier. It is food water and vitamins all in one. I found it much easier than attempting to give liquids that are easily aspirated. The chick got used to it quickly and started looking forward to feeding time like a baby robin. Good luck.Randy
I know this is an old post but maybe I was hoping for some help, my 2 day old peachick appears to have this problem, and just started an hour ago. She seems to be able to preen alright but occasionally just starts throwing her head backwards and walking backwards crashing into things. She holds her head facing up. And I'm really worried about her. Any ideas?
In very new chicks wry neck can be from a vitamin E and selenium deficiency. Vitamin E capsules can be used along with selenium or foods that contain selenium, such as egg, tuna, salmon, liver, chopped nuts, sunflower kernels and others. At the bottom of this link, there is specific vitamin and mineral dosages for a 2 lb or 1 Kg bird: http://www.browneggblueegg.com/Article/Crookneck/Crookneck.html
I will add that it is best to keep it warm and separated from any other chicks as they will trample it. I used a smaller cage within the larger area so the chick could see and hear the other chicks. Chicks do not like being alone. This will help avoid excess stress.
I had a chick with wry neck. She stayed with her mama and the others. When I was out with them and she flipped her head and started walking backward, I would just right her head and she would carry one. She grew into a beautiful hen but always with a slight crook to her neck. She brooded babies and was a good mama too.

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