Lets try to ROLE PLAY!!!!

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10 Years
Aug 26, 2009
Oakland, CA
Lets try and role play(rp)!!!! I've done it on some other forums and it's really fun. I thought we should try and do it here w/ chickens. Basically, rp is you make up a character(in this case a chicken) and you describe what she/he looks like, their attitude, and in this case were she/he stands in the pecking order. Here is mine:

Name: Mila
Age: 5
Gender: Hen
Breed: RIR
Attitude: won't start a fight but will fight back if someone threatens her, proud but not mean
Pecking Order: Lead Hen

Then you post what your chickens doing, but in a story form. Ex:

1: Mila flopped down under the heat lamp on the warm ground. The lamp put out a warm sensation which made Mila tired. Mila soon fell asleep...

2: Henna came over next to Mila, "Goodnight" she peeped as she lay down next to her flockmate.

3: Why is everyone so tired wondered Esmerelda as she ran to the heatlamp. She soaked in the warmth of the heat lamp. Oh I'll just take a short nap she thought as she layed down next to her flock.

Any suggestions? comments? questions? want to join? Please post! By the way I have never started a role playing topic in any forum before so if you have, please post!
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Oh, cool! I've done some role playing on other forums as well... Not one with chickens though. xD

Name: Peaches
Age: 1 Year
Gender: Female (hen)
Breed: RIR
Attitude: Friendly to everyone, will only fight back if a threat is detected.
Pecking order: Somewhere in the middle.

Mind if I make a second one?
Name: Shuffle
Age: 32 weeks
Gender: Female (hen)
Breed: Faverolle (salmon)
Attitude: Scared of most things, often sticks with other chickens and doesn't like being alone. Polite.
Pecking Order: Near the bottom.

In the forum I use to post in we had 2 ways ( at the time) to role play (typing).
One was:
Peaches: *yawn* I'm tired, I think i'll go to sleep.

and the other was typing it like an actual story.
Peaches yawned, she struggled to stay awake. "I'm tired, I think i'll go to sleep." She suggested to herself.

(sorry punctuation sucks.) xD
Anyway, I can't wait until other people join! I think this topic is a great idea.
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sure you can have two, but try not to have tooo many or it will get confusing. ooo ya I forgot about gender. Thanks!!!
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cool i'll do one!

name: fox
age: 4
gender: rooster
breed: cross (golden polish/golden pheonix)
attitude: bossy and sometimes mean, but can be nice when he feels like it
pecking order: lead rooster (if possible)

ok i'd like to make a suggestion. every rp needs a plot. like for example where does the rp begin? are there multiple flocks? if so are they hostile toward each other? and also maybe everyone who creates a bird could find a picture that could represent there bird and post it so everyone knows what the fellow chickens look like lol. just ideas... this sounds fun
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OMG I love Role Playing!

Name: Ena
Gender: Hen
Age: 30 Weeks
Breed: Blue Silkie
Personality: Ebil. Cuz she's a silkie.
Pecking Order: Medium-ish

Ena: Heheheh, I will get Mila out of the lead hen position, you just watch! Now I have a plan... Peaches! Come over here!

Name: Rhys
Gender: Rooster
Age: 43 Weeks
Breed: White Silkie
Personality: Calm and quiet
Pecking Order: Near the bottom

Rhys: Excuse me, Shuffle, but I was wondering how you were doing.
Peaches ran over to Ena. "What is it? Did you call me?"
Shuffle looked up at Rhys. "I'm doing fine, I found a lovely part of soil over here... What about you?"
Ena: Yes... About Mila, do you know what food she likes?

Rhys: I'm doing ok. The bigger chickens keep pushing me out of the way.
Peaches thought for a moment, not only about what food Mila likes but also why Ena would want to know. "Um, i'm not quite sure, i havn't been able to talk to her lately. Maybe scratch or some sort of vegetable?" Peaches replied.
Shuffle sympathized with Rhys. "It's alright, just stay out of the way and you won't have to give them the pleasure pushing you." Shuffle suggested.
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