letting the chickens out in the winter

My outside waterer was frozen over this morning. I knew it would be though so I was lugging the fresh one out to their run area with nice warm water in it.

It only went down to 27 last night so it wasn't really cold, cold.
Brrr! 27 degrees here in Maine this am! 42 degrees in the girls coop before I let them out though!!
I did insulate my coop and I have ventilation up high in the gables. My girls are not free range (too many predators out here in the Maine woods!) and I have their run completely covered and now that it is cold I have enclosed the run with plastic. Some transparent some perfectly clear so they can see out (they are very nosey!) and I can see in. I am planing to open their pop door every morning and let them decide in or out. There wont be any snow in the run... just cold.... the plastic on the run walls will keep the cold wind down in the run AND in the coop with the pop door open. Boy... don't I want to put a heater out there! I'm not going to though.... (unless it gets rediculously cold). I know they'll be healthier for not having the heat.
It was 28 degrees here this morning and yup, the outside water dishes were froze over in chicken & duck pens. I always open the door to the run even when it's cold & snowy and they always go out. They may not STAY out, but they venture out for a while. This will be my first winter with ducks, so we'll see how they do. But, so far, they seem totally unaffected by the cold.
Hi all,
I live in florida and occasionally it will freeze in the winter, it's good to know that chicks can live in the really cold weather, so i dont' have to heat the aviary.
Problem is I don't really have a coop, just an open air aviary, all 3 sides are wire and open all the time, I might just put some wood up to enclose it more for the winter.
I have 7 hens and 11 parakeets.

will that be good enuf?
The way I think of it is that up here we go well below freezing at times but yet there are pheasants and partridges roaming the woods that are no more feathered out then my chickens. They do absolutely fine. An open air coop would be no good for me due to snowstorms and wind but I'm betting yours is just fine. You could always tarp off the side that prevailing winds hit if you're very worried.
I get to the subzeros, even down as low at -30 at times...mine go out...in the snow whatever...they are smart enough to run back to cover...I leave the coop and run open, and have a pole barn full of straw.
We used to go out and open the door every morning for them. But lately they have had a drop in production. So, we keep the door closed now and leave a smaller chicken size door open all the time. It's low to the ground so they are not getting much draft and they can come and go into the run as much as they like where as before their door was open all day, even in rain so I'm sure they appreciate it being more dry in there. Mine don't mind the cold rain but we haven't had snow since I've had them yet. No idea how that will go. Their coop is actually very warm even though there is no real insulation other than lots of wood, tarps,etc.

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