
Wish I had seen this post first..... Found Coconut oil at Wal*Mart but you're right it's not Virgin Coconut oil
. It's very hard to find VCO. Thanks for the tips on where I might find it because in the food stores I've been looking in the cooking oil section. On the hunt again just to keep on hand though Lice problem under control for now.
Thanks Again for all the helpful info!
I ended up finding mine on Amazon... And, if you haven't opened the one from Walmart, you can return it. I returned three as I had to drive across town to buy it at a different Walmart - so I bought 4. The local Walmart took it back.
I sprayed them all with coconut oil and see nothing on them now.

If DE won't work in the coop, what would be a natural way to treat lice in a coop?

On Monday we will bath them again and then spray them with coconut oil one last time, clean out the coop and treat it with... what? Hmmmm....
Newby here reading the posts, looking for an answer. My hens have mites but one is broody and of course in her nesting area are the bugs. I spray around everyday that Poultry Protector and it does not seem to work. Can I use that Sevin Dust when chicks may hatch this weekend?
I just read an article on about testing coconut oil on head lice on people and they used the Coconut oil along with Anise and as far as using the sevin around hatching chicks I'd be worried about them breathing it in. as soon as they hatch get mama and chicks out and remove all the bedding spray everything down good with PP then put in new bedding. I use Epernix Pour on on my hens when they go broody, Mine are bantam so i put 4 drops on the neck like you would use Frontline for dogs. They are protected from mites and lice and chicks are safe from dust.
I would like to report that just one application of coconut oil on all chickens and chicks, roosters and three guineas has completely eliminated the lice. There is nothing. I didn't even bath them again.

All I did was bath them once, spray them the next day with coconut oil around their vent and under their wings and clean out the coop.

I have been inspecting them daily since then and I haven't found a single bug.

So awesome.
I would like to report that just one application of coconut oil on all chickens and chicks, roosters and three guineas has completely eliminated the lice. There is nothing. I didn't even bath them again.

All I did was bath them once, spray them the next day with coconut oil around their vent and under their wings and clean out the coop.

I have been inspecting them daily since then and I haven't found a single bug.

So awesome.
great news..
Thank you for your update. The stuff really works!

I'm so glad you tried it.

There's nothing like something natural that destroys those buggers and their eggs all at one time​
If DE won't work in the coop, what would be a natural way to treat lice in a coop?

Regular use of DE in bedding does reduce lice and mites that wide birds bring into the coop but it will not treat infestations.

Pyrethrum is an excellent insecticide. It's made from dried Chrysanthemum or Marigolds flowers.
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Glad I found this thread! I was pointed her from a broody thread.

I've found lice eggs on some of my chickens and need to treat my flock and coop. I have a broody hen I am about to give some eggs to set on who also needs to be treated and was worried about using permithren powder on her at the 10 day mark with developing eggs underneath her.

For those who used the VCO, did you spray just around the vent where the eggs were? Was that enough to do it? Bathing all 19 of my birds 1st is not a viable option.

My broody will be moving to a new coop (still being built) so if I can treat her with VCO and put her on clean bedding in the new coop I would be much more comfortable about the developing eggs. Did you use the VCO spray in the infested coop as well? Just clean out all the shavings and spray everywhere? Or are lice more likely to be on the birds only since they feed on the feathers?

I think the lice may have come from the straw I put in the run to combat the mud this spring, or from the various wild birds we have around. If I remove what's left of the straw should I treat the run as well?
I treated all the birds all around their vents and if I saw anything under their wings. I also treated their roosts with VCO and that is where I intentionally added a tiny bit of tea tree oil. Personally I didn't do anything else. From what I read lice must be on a chicken/bird to survive. FWIW I am no lice expert.

Good luck with mommy hen and future chicks

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