
Chookin gooood

7 Years
Jan 4, 2013
After wondering why one of my hens was ill for a while, and after worming them and everything else, i found i have a lice infestation!!! I really dont know what to do now! I am going to buy some lice powder. I have a few questions
#1. I have a spare coop, so will put them in that one after i have treated them, how long after treating them should I put them in this one.
#2. When should i next lice them?
#3. How often should i of liced them (so they didnt get this?)
#4. How do I clean their coop? ive got a slatted walls of my coop so how should i do this?

I feel like I have been a really bad owner to them not realising! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!
They sneak up on a lot of people, having been carried in by wild birds. Tricky little buggers. Don't beat yourself up.

Be sure you are using either Sevin or pyrethrin/permethrin, not just DE. Clean and treat everything twice, ten days apart, as the first treatment doesn't kill the eggs. I'd recommend Sevin 5% garden dust for the birds and liquid Sevin to "paint" on places like cracks in the wood and the underside of roosts. Replace all litter when you clean.

You can make a "powder puff" out of an old nylon stocking and pat the Sevin on. You can put some in a paper grocery bag, the put the chicken in, hold the bag around the neck of the bird, and sort of shake 'n' bake the birds.

If you're lucky, and only if you're lucky, two treatments will work.

I've never had to do it, knock on wood. I sprinkle Sevin in nests and around the coop regularly, also where they dust bathe. So far I've evidently gotten away with it.
They sneak up on a lot of people, having been carried in by wild birds. Tricky little buggers. Don't beat yourself up.

Be sure you are using either Sevin or pyrethrin/permethrin, not just DE. Clean and treat everything twice, ten days apart, as the first treatment doesn't kill the eggs. I'd recommend Sevin 5% garden dust for the birds and liquid Sevin to "paint" on places like cracks in the wood and the underside of roosts. Replace all litter when you clean.

You can make a "powder puff" out of an old nylon stocking and pat the Sevin on. You can put some in a paper grocery bag, the put the chicken in, hold the bag around the neck of the bird, and sort of shake 'n' bake the birds.

If you're lucky, and only if you're lucky, two treatments will work.

I've never had to do it, knock on wood. I sprinkle Sevin in nests and around the coop regularly, also where they dust bathe. So far I've evidently gotten away with it.

Follow this and you will be fine. I just got done doing my 2nd treatment for the 10 day span and cleaned the coop at the same time.

I used all sevin for everything, from the roosts to the cracks to the birds.

The powder puff application for me was easier than trying to stuff a bird in a bag or pillow case, so that's how I went about it as well.

I inspected yesterday and saw no lice on my girls.

I should add that I added wood ash to the litter too, to keep things dried out. Also where ever they dust bathe, sprinkle sevin in that area so that they are basically getting a good dose in the spots you might have missed.

I'm certain that the wild birds brought them into my flock. Really hard to keep them out, unless you have some type of netting all over your run.
If you use sevin or the other pyrmethrin-type poultry dusts, do you have to toss eggs or is that only if you use the "on-the-neck" liquid meds?


That's what I was thinking. My birds walking and rolling around in Sevin doesn't make me feel like eating those eggs. Please help me feel better about this as I'm about to tackle a mite situation.
No, just wash them off and they are fine. Sevin doesn't get in their systems it just kills from the outside. Now if you use some of the spot on stuff, I believe you have to withdraw from the eggs.

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