Life after Marek's ???

Just got final necropsy results on thursday confirming a diagnosis of Mareks. My young flock of about 50 is quite diverse. So far I have had 8 deaths limited to Liege and Deathlayers. None were vaccinated. After reading this thread and many other resources I plan to breed for resistance.

At first I panicked because of a group of Liege were hatching the day I got the report. I scrambled and picked turkey virus vaccine and administered it. Think that will be the only group. That is the plan anyway. Will probably change my perspective if I lose most of this flock.

Having done a quick search I cannot find major breeders or hatcheries that feature resistant stock. Disappointing, but given the large number of Mareks strain that would be hard to state unequivocally anyway.

thanks to all that shared on this thread.

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