Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

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Mother Moon is beautiful tonight, Debi. I was out on the deck thinking about you and Ken, and looking at her.

Oh!!! It has been GORGEOUS the last couple of nights. Looks like it is resting on the horizon. Gives me peace.

I am typically a cup half full kind of a person, and our recent trials have not changed that. Just makes me wonder what blessings are in store.
I wish you strength
Debi, I do want to let you know that your posts have made me show and tell my wonderful husband how much I appreciate him. We are very close to you and Ken in age, and the thought of losing my DH would be devestating. We often do not appreciate who/what we have until we lose it/them. Stuff doesn't matter; we've found that out after losing a lot the last couple years due to the economy (we own our own business in the construction industry), but as long as we have each other, we have wealth beyond measure.

I have read (and am following) your blog, and I hope that Ken beats the odds and lives a long, smoke-free life with you. I believe in the power of prayer and positive thinking, and am sending prayers and healing thoughts your way. I also do not want your thread to go away. I look for it daily, and hope for more positive updates. When they aren't positive, you know you will get suppport here.

Debi, I do want to let you know that your posts have made me show and tell my wonderful husband how much I appreciate him. We are very close to you and Ken in age, and the thought of losing my DH would be devestating. We often do not appreciate who/what we have until we lose it/them. Stuff doesn't matter; we've found that out after losing a lot the last couple years due to the economy (we own our own business in the construction industry), but as long as we have each other, we have wealth beyond measure.
I have read (and am following) your blog, and I hope that Ken beats the odds and lives a long, smoke-free life with you. I believe in the power of prayer and positive thinking, and am sending prayers and healing thoughts your way. I also do not want your thread to go away. I look for it daily, and hope for more positive updates. When they aren't positive, you know you will get suppport here.
Thank you so much!!! Posts like this get me through the bad days and make me want to share the good ones. Today was a VERY good day for Ken. Much of the time he feel useless because he is simply out of air. Today, he had more strength than he has since the incident on 2/3/12. He helped me with the 50 lb feed bags and was able to transfer the hay from the truck to the wheelbarrow, and let me tell you - that is HUGE for someone who can't breathe. Last night he was able to lift the bag of dog food and empty into the feed bin.

It's the little things that have wound up mattering to us these days. It used to be a normal Saturday to go out and clean the pond, drag the yard, haul the feed, mow the lawn, wash the truck. Now it is a major accomplishment for him to be able to move hay a few feet. Forget the pond, it just gets flushed now and to heck with the water bill. And the lawn? HAHAHAHAA!
Ok. From good to really bad. Had to call 911 tonight, his chest pain got so bad. The damaged lungs causes atrial fibrillation on his heart. Nitro helped, but they are admitting him. Again.

As you know, I went through the Afib ordeal back in December. They had to put me under and put the paddles on me to get my heart beating normally again.
Be certain he is not doing big doses of Vitamin D3 as that also can cause AFib.

My prayers for Ken (and you) continue.

God bless.

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Deb I had heard something was going on but hadn't found the thread and when I asked no one answered me. I'm so sorry this is happening. Hopefully the stay at the hospital will help and he'll be home fast.

I'm thinking of you both my friend. Lots of prayer coming for Ken, you and your family.
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