Light Brahma Egg Size

No eggs yet. They are looking pale. I love the way they run around with their feet feathers sticking out. They are more agile and flighty than I expected. Its nice to see some white hens in the yard. (I have BCM and a few blue EE)
I had the opposite problem. originally had 5 white silkies the light brahma and two porcelains.... It was just way to many white chickens. lol. now i also have 2 barred rocks, a saphire gem and a dirtier colored light brahma.... Lets hope my soon to arrive polish assortment will have many many colors.
if the english bantam hens go broody it's the perfect time to tame them. my friendliest hen is my little english bantam, i can pet her, pick her up and carry her around and she doesnt peck at me. she coos but that's it. the other 4, astrolorp, sapphire gem, light brahma and golden lace wyondotte are not cuddly they're tame but they'll scoot away unless they think you're going to breed them LOL

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