Light Brahma Lethargic, Loss of Appetite, Wobbly


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 27, 2013
My six day old Light Brahma is exhibiting lethargy, loss of appetite, and is very wobbly. The other four chicks are doing fine. Yesterday the Light Brahma was very wobbly and seemed to favor one leg. She was lethargic, wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink. I ran to the local Tractor Supply and picked up some Corid and Nutri-Drench. Upon returning home, I found her on her back with her legs up and stuck between the brooder and wall.

I immediately mixed the Corid and gave her some via eye dropper. Then I gave the rest of the flock the Corid solution. Then I boiled an egg, mashed it, and added some chick starter feed. She ate a little bit of it and then I gave a single drop of Nutri-Drench. After that, she seemed a little better, getting up and walking around [once or twice that I've seen], but still favoring one leg. She slept under the brooder all day except for the times I would give her Corid solution and fed her some mashed egg/feed.

She seems to be doing better, but still very lethargic and making a puffing sound from her beak. On a good note, I did spot her out of the brooder to grab a drink and a bite to eat twice.

She has the marek's vaccine and I've been feeding Purina NON-Medicated Chick Starter. All the chicks have been getting Sav-A-Chick electrolytes and probiotics since day one [07/22/13]. Electrolytes and probiotcs ended yesterday as they are getting the Corid solution. Her poop has been semi-solid/liquidy in a dark brownish red color.

Today, she seems like how she was early yesterday. All the same symptoms seem to be coming back. She is definitely favoring her right leg and I could find nothing wrong on close inspection. When I flip her on her back, the weak leg trembles. When she sits, she sits on her good leg and sticks the weak one out. The other chicks still seem normal. Her poop is still semi-solid/liquidy in a dark brownish red color. Her crop was full last night, but nothing this morning and she was not interested in eating.

Am I right in thinking this may be Cocci? Should I take another course of action?
Chick is still alive, but symptoms haven't changed. My biggest worry is that she does not want to stand or even sit on her left leg. Sometimes she rolls over to her right side so that her left leg is in the air.

She is eating some [but I have to drop it right in front of her], but I can hardly feel any food in her crop. Yesterday she ate enough to have a big bulge. I've also been eye dropping Corid solution into her mouth. Not sure how much she needs, but I try to be consistent.

Today I've been giving her a mixture of chick starter, cooked egg yolk, garlic, and Corid solution. I hope she lives, because she has been the sweetest one from the beginning. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Chick is still alive. The regimen of chick feed mixed with cooked yolk and Corid water seems to be doing the trick. She is walking a little better tonight. I also just checked her crop and it was full after a couple hours of not feeding her myself. She is still sitting a lot and under the brooder, but hopefully she is on the upswing.
I never separated her from the rest of the flock. I figured if she had cocci, the rest would have it too. They are all getting Corid and seem to be doing great. I'll let them build up their immunity.

Also, I've been half expecting the other chicks to peck and bully her, but they actually nuzzle and cuddle with her.
For the sake of people searching the threads for the same symptoms. My chick is doing great. She's eating and drinking on her own. She still tends to sit a lot, but will rush out of the brooder once in awhile with lightening speed. Poops have become solid and back to normal. Her feathers are slowly coming, but a good indication that she has pulled through the cocci and is getting the nutrients she needs.

All is well and I hope someone finds this information useful.

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