Light Red Duck Poop?


6 Years
Mar 10, 2016
Hey everyone! Our sweet boy CCP (just under 7 weeks old!) has been having some time outside with my partner and I. Yesterday was his first foraging trip in the yard. He had peas for the first time, and met our chickens. He seemed to be totally confident, and gave Biscuit a little hiss! šŸ˜‚

He got to eat small rocks and sticks- which definitely gave us a little anxiety. However, we reminded each other that he is indeed a duck- not a baby! So we let him pick through what he could find, and tried not to be too overprotective of our little boy, since he needs the immunity boost and the experience. He seemed to figure out whatā€™s food and whatā€™s not. After some time outside and a swim, he started to hunch his neck close to his back in the water, and fluffed himself up. So we took him out, and once he dried off and warmed up in the sun, he wasnā€™t fluffing up anymore. I came to the conclusion that it wasnā€™t pain, and could have been an alert stance. (Anyone have any resources on duck body language?) I thought it would be important to note, since it was alarming. However, he hasnā€™t fluffed at all since.

Onto the main issue!

I just checked on him for this morning, and his poops definitely look totally different than yesterdayā€™s, as expected. However, I canā€™t help but worry about the color. What is the light red in the liquid surrounding the poop? I noted that the chick grit we gave him is a dark purple-red color.
(Manna Pro Chick Grit) Could the red simply be the residue from the chick grit?
Iā€™m assuming itā€™s either from the grit, or from eating leaves or vegetation- but I cant help but worry about a potential blockage or internal injury, and I know my partner will too

So please me know if this is normal. Iā€™m not TOO worried- but definitely worried enough to make a post and tag my friends!

@Miss Lydia
@Isaac 0

Thank you guys in advance as always. We appreciate everything so much! ā¤
Hi, just read your post and although I have no advice I thought I would tell you something that happened to me and will make you chuckle! My first hatch of cayugas, when the ducklings were also about 7 weeks old I gave them some water melon as a treat (they had access to chick grit too). When I woke up and looked in their enclosure I thought that something had got to the ducklings in the night because there was red liquid everywhere! Turns out it was just the watermelon going through their system but it did give me an alarm and fright. Hopefully, one of the experts on this forum will be able to help with your issue.
Hi, just read your post and although I have no advice I thought I would tell you something that happened to me and will make you chuckle! My first hatch of cayugas, when the ducklings were also about 7 weeks old I gave them some water melon as a treat (they had access to chick grit too). When I woke up and looked in their enclosure I thought that something had got to the ducklings in the night because there was red liquid everywhere! Turns out it was just the watermelon going through their system but it did give me an alarm and fright. Hopefully, one of the experts on this forum will be able to help with your issue.
Yep can scare ya good!
Mud boy when mine get into the mud take comes out blk as tar. Lettuce causes green poop. Lots of reason as long as it doesnā€™t keep showing up red and no reason for it. Hi @Dees ducks ducks
Was growing some purple sprouting kale (not for me I hate kale) but the ducks seem to love it. Don't even ask what their poop looks like after they've had a feast - it's not for the faint hearted

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