Light Sussex. 3 weeks old, difference in comb development


Apr 15, 2021

Light Sussex (at least that’s what I was told when I bought them at the markets).

I know it’s really too early to tell male/female at 3 weeks and I just need to wait another 3+ weeks, but is it normal to have this much difference in comb development at around 3 weeks old? Is this potentially just a faster & slower developing chick of the same sex? Or likely to be a male and a female? It just seems quite a notable difference to me. If one of these is a roo I don’t mind at all, but I’m hoping we didn’t get 2 roo’s!

The pic with the 4 chicks is from 2 weeks ago, the day we got them when they were “about a week old”. Penny is the one at the front, and has the white face. Glowey is the back right.

The other 3 pics are from today at around 3 weeks old. Penny on the left, Glowey on the right.
Are you trying to show that 2 chicks have bigger combs than the other 2? Or just comparing the two chicks?
Just comparing the 2. These 2 are Light Sussex, each the same age. I just wasn't sure if there'd be a distinguishing difference in comb size and colour at this age when they're the same breed and age based on just individuality of development, or whether it's indicative of sex already?

We got 2 Sussex, and 2 Araucana (British Araucana, not the US regulations of the breed), and I know I can't compare across breeds, and in this case they also have different comb type and smaller chicks in general.

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