Light Sussex Thread!!!

Quote: Were these birds which had won something at the show? If so, you could check the show results online and maybe get a lead.
Are they huge? I over 10 lbs., they are probably of Greenfire Farms lineage. Those Aussie birds he imported circa 2009, were huge birds compared to our US strains.
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Were these birds which had won something at the show? If so, you could check the show results online and maybe get a lead.
Are they huge? I over 10 lbs., they are probably of Greenfire Farms lineage. Those Aussie birds he imported circa 2009, were huge birds compared to our US strains.
There were no Light Sussex entered in the show that year. These were some that were on sale row. My birds are to U. S. standards. Not over sized at all. If anything they were a little on the small size to me. Since then I have breed them to be a little larger. Good size. Haven't weighed them but now curiosity compels me to. Holly
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How about checking at the poultry club which held the show. Maybe they
know of local breeders of Light Sussex. At least you know they are most
probably US lines, by their size.
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Well I'm a happy camper!
My broody hen, March, has a daughter hatched Feb. 23rd who started laying 3 days ago.
That's 6 1/2 months. A bit early for Sussex so that's a good thing. The eggs look good, nice size and good shell.
That's March as a 10 month old pullet in my avatar. She is 18 months old now.

Karen in western PA, USA
My Light Sussex hens have started laying, a day before their 20th week! They havnt quite got the hang of it yet! haha

Hey Everyone,
This past spring I ordered some L.S from the Green Fire Farm Lines and hatched out what appears to be a rooster and a hen
. Sadly, I am going to be moving in the next couple of months and my folks and I have decided that I need to sell the current hen and rooster. However, my parents also have said that because we will be replacing our flock next year I can replace our current flock with L.S.My first and last attempt at hatching shipped eggs did not go very well, out of 12 eggs I hatched the two birds I have to sell. At this point because the L.S are such a rare breed around where I live, I am trying to do some research ahead of time and was wondering if you all know if there are hatcheries or members on BYC that sell L.S chicks? If not chicks what about hatching eggs? So far from reading around on BYC and surfing the web, the few hatcheries and personal breeders I have found in the U.S all have stock from Green Fire. I was wonder if you all knew of breeders that had stock other then green fires lines and how I would go about finding other breeders of the L.S besides Green Fire Farms? Thank you all so much for the help!
I was wondering if you all could help me out I am thinking of adding a couple Ls to my mixed flock and was wondering what color eggs they lay and do they play nice with others.How do they do free ranging.

Thank you,

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