Light Sussex vs Australorps


Feb 3, 2023
Eastern WI - almost to the Lake

I have been thinking about ordering some Australorps a little later this spring, possibly from Mt. Healthy. I am looking for a good layer primarily, but also something that I could get a little meat from the extra males if I raise some chicks each spring.

There is a breeder about two hours away that raises Lavender Orpingtons, Bielfelders, and Light Sussex.

The Light Sussex are tempting, especially from a breeder. They almost certainly will grow faster than an Australorp for more efficient meat raising. How do you all think the egg production of a Light Sussex from a breeder will be compared to hatchery Australorps? I did email the breeder asking about this, but wanted a little input from you all as well.

Thank you,
Why not do both? They are both dual-purpose, but the hatchery Australorps will probably outlay the Sussex. Where did the breeder get the Sussex? If they are just breeding birds they got from a hatchery, they will probably be more productive than Sussex stock from SQ lines.

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