Lights, Winter and egg laying

When I touched the frostbit area on some of the chickens we rescued from those who were unable to care for them, the chickens/roosters showed that they were in pain. This was when we put a soothing salve on them. It was quite clear that they were in pain. Sad indeed. I'm so thankful we were able to take them home to our heated coop.

We use an herbal salve that we make ourselves using Dr. Christopher's herbs. You can actually buy it already made up online, but it is cheaper to buy the herbs from them and make it yourself. The herbs are called B F & C (which stands for bone, flesh and cartilage) we have used it on our dog as well, it works wonders.
vtchickenlady, My ROO is very used to me handling him. When he got frost bite, he would do everything he could to stop me from touching the comb or wattles. Once it healed up, he is so much better at just letting me rub the Triple Antibiotic Ointment in. So if your rooster is used to you handling him and he suddenly tries to get away because of the frost bite, then he is probably in pain.

01-01-09 15 eggs

01-02-08 29 eggs

I just want to clarify that, the red heat light I put in the coop when the weather dropped down to -18 has been on constantly. I do not have it on the timer the white flood light in the run is on.
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I started giving my ducks a "night light". I put hubby's Ryobi light that came with the skill saw, mini circular saw and screw driver set in to the hut at sunset. We have 2 batteries and they are rechargeable. It stays on for about 4 hours, so they are still able to go to sleep by 9. I take the battery and pop it back on the charger when I give them fresh water in the mornings. Best I can do with no electricity near the ducks pen. I should know in a week if it is making any difference.
That is a GOOD idea! Hope the hubby doesnt find out! I would say that since that is the best then that is wonderful! I hope it helps. Please let me know!
I told him so he wouldn't go out to the pen and accuse the ducks of stealing his tools

He was skeptical, but, as I also concluded, there would be no harm caused to the light or the ducks so why not?

Here is the light (on the left)
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It is a good thing you told him, us women get accused of stealing the tools enough as it is!
You didnt have to specify which one was the light,
I have my own power tools!
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Well , I do have to say this for what its worth . about a month ago we were only picking maybe 3- 5 eggs from 40 hens that are of age to be laying .. ( 9 months old ) . DH put white lights in both coops and changed egg production drastically .... next day we picked 14 eggs , we are now at 2 dozen a day .
The other 30 pullets will be laying by springtime .
01-04-09 14 eggs

01-05-09 21 eggs

01-06-09 36 eggs
out of 38 hens!

01-07-09 26 eggs

That is really good to hear Cajunlizz! Glad to hear that adding light amounting to 12-14 hrs a day has served you well!

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