lime for fly control


9 Years
Jun 20, 2010
I am new to this forum and recently returned to backyard chickens after many years of city living. My problem is a sudden influx of flies in the chicken pen. I seem to remember that there is some kind of lime that can be sprinkled on the dirt in the pen for fly control, but don't know which kind or how much to use without hurting my girls. I have 6 Barred Rocks that are just starting to lay. They are hand raised pets, so I don't want to hurt them. Thanks to anybody who can shed some light on this.
why is it they use DE in pool filters and in fish tanks then? Seem pretty wet to me in a pool??

Because it's being used to FILTER only and not to "kill parasites"
The filter type is a different form of DE that has been heat treated and is very dangerous to breath​
I don't know about lime, but Diatomaceous Earth works, & it's safe for the birds.

Oh yeah........
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I second the vote for DE! Just started using it a few weeks ago, and the results have been impressive. Tell you what- just try sprinkling DE on some fresh manure and watch how fast the flies lose interest. As long as you make sure to use the "food grade" stuff, your birds will be safe
What is the effect on bees of DE? It seems I had read at one point that it would kill bees. Something to think about if you keep bees too.
Yes, it will kill bees. I just wiped out a pretty substantial population of bumblebees that had, unfortunately, made a nest in the inside wall of my semi-enclosed back porch. I would have preferred to not kill them, but with dogs,kids, and the occasional bee-allergic visitor having to walk past the location, I just couldn't take chances.

But be advised- DE will not work overnight. Because of the location I had to put the powder on the floor and wall where the bees were entering/leaving the nest. No way to get to the nest itself. It took over a month, but they're finally gone.
I dont know how much to sprinkle but our flies have been relentless. I just went out and sprinkled heavily. I use the DE in the coop and nesting boxes. Never thought to use it for flies. Thanks!! Hopefully this will help
Yes, it will kill bees. I just wiped out a pretty substantial population of bumblebees that had, unfortunately, made a nest in the inside wall of my semi-enclosed back porch. I would have preferred to not kill them, but with dogs,kids, and the occasional bee-allergic visitor having to walk past the location, I just couldn't take chances.

But be advised- DE will not work overnight. Because of the location I had to put the powder on the floor and wall where the bees were entering/leaving the nest. No way to get to the nest itself. It took over a month, but they're finally gone.

Billy the Exterminator uses silica that is the same stuff in the little packets you find in your shoes, vitamins, aspirins, etc. He said its just dehydrates them to the point of death. . .and very humane.
Billy the Exterminator uses silica that is the same stuff in the little packets

DE is 90% Silica

Lime will dry the dropping about as well and is a lot cheaper.
It won't harm other insects either​

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