Limping Chick (18 weeks). Scaly leg mites?? Treatment if so?


Apr 30, 2019
Either I am completely paranoid (fingers crossed) or I am having some very bad chicken luck lately. Have had a slew of issues (older birds that are 1&1/2 have had parasites (treated), and one dropped dead). I have a new batch birds now all about 18 weeks. One of them is limping. Does it look like scaly leg mites? Or maybe she hurt it somehow?
These pictures were after an epsom bath soak for about 20 mins which she settled into fairly well. Have her in a small crate to keep movement to a minimum (unless someone who knows suggests otherwise :)). Of course she has food and water and seems to be resting very calmly.


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How is your chicken doing today?

She is still limping but I brought her out to be with the rest of the flock yesterday. They attacked her at first 😞 so I let her free range while they stayed in their own, then let them all out to join her for a few hours. When I put them back in they accepted her again. I think she might have a sprain of some sort, but I don’t plan to isolate her again as I don’t want them to shun her permanently (I’ve read a few other posts where their limping birds were separated and never accepted back). She seems in good spirits otherwise, so I’ll wait and see how she does and give her some aspirin in water to help with pain.

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