Limping Chicken?


Aug 3, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
My neighbor has a 3 year old hen that is a Rhode Island Red mix. She has a small limp in her walk/run, and sometimes falls down when she is sprinting/running at an accelerated pace. We checked both the legs, and there are no visible injuries. It must be something internal? Maybe a sprain? I know it can't be broken/dislocated or else she wouldn't be able to move it at all. My neighbor thinks that it is because of her age - but I have a 7 year old Mottled Java who has no limp at all and is 100% healthy. I'm just a tad concerned; it's been like this for a month or two and hasn't gotten better. It seems, maybe, the injury will take a while to reach recovery? Maybe there is no way to recover it? Any ideas on what could be wrong with her?
Sprains can take weeks to recover from, and are common in chickens, especially if they jump down from high roost or nest boxes, or fences. The best treatment is to cage them in the coop or run, keeping them a part of the flock for a week or two, then reevaluate the leg at intervals. B Complex or poultry vitamins can be added to the food or water. Chicken slings or chairs can somtimes be used also, but only if they don't make the chicken more agitated which can cause more harm. Here are some pictures of homemade slings:


Thanks for the helpful advice! I'll notify my neighbor when she comes home today. And - those are so cute and look very effective. Thanks again, I appreciate the images and information you sent.

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