Limping Cockerel

Matilda Belle

May 16, 2018
SE Minnesota
My Coop
My Coop
Last night I had to put my cockerel (8 months old) inside the coop because he couldn't get up, and this morning he didn't come down the ramp. It looks like he's got a bad leg. I had this happen before with his father who ended up being euthanized because he never recovered from the limping. His dad was about 15/16 months when he started limping. I do have a pullet that is a sibling to this cockerel that seems fine.

I checked for mites and lice and I don't see anything. No symptoms of respiratory disease. I'm not able to see his poop because he's in with the flock, but I did notice last week that someone is pooping green which I know isn't good. The only symptoms I've noticed so far is the limping and possible green poop. I'll check his crop tomorrow morning.

If this isn't an injury, could this be something genetic he inherited from his father?

Feed: Nutrena Chick Starter, grit on the side, cracked corn for treat
Water: Nutridrench added
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Last night I had to put my cockerel (8 months old) inside the coop because he couldn't get up, and this morning he didn't come down the ramp. It looks like he's got a bad leg. I had this happen before with his father who ended up being euthanized because he never recovered from the limping. His dad was about 15/16 months when he started limping. I do have a pullet that is a sibling to this cockerel that seems fine.

I checked for mites and lice and I don't see anything. No symptoms of respiratory disease. I'm not able to see his poop because he's in with the flock, but I did notice last week that someone is pooping green which I know isn't good. The only symptoms I've noticed so far is the limping and possible green poop. I'll check his crop tomorrow morning.

If this isn't an injury, could this be something genetic he inherited from his father?

Feed: Nutrena Chick Starter, grit on the side, cracked corn for treat
Water: Nutridrench added
I'm looking at the symptom checker and a few things came up, one being infectious synovitis which can be genetic. I know I'm jumping the gun in assuming it's the same thing as my previous rooster, but it's making me wonder. I remember my previous rooster had warm joints. I'll check his joints when I get a chance.
I'm sorry to hear about your cockerel.

I was trying to quickly look back at some of your other threads. You have dealt with swelling of the joint(s) and respiratory illness before right?
It could be Mycoplasma Synoviae (MS). I think I saw where you had dealt with Wry Neck as well?
Marek's would be another possibility.

Did you happen to send any carcasses in for testing? That's the best way to get accurate information as to what you are dealing with. We can make good guesses with symptoms and history, but still could be wrong.

For your cockerel. I would start him on poultry vitamins. Poultry Cell or B-Complex would be good. Of course, re-inspect him for injury.

Unfortunately, yes. If it's MS that can be passed into the embryo of hatching eggs and it's transmitted horizontally (chicken to chicken) as well. The same as MG (Mycoplasma Gallisepticum). I wouldn't necessarily call it genetic - it's a disease that is spread throughout a flock and will continue to be passed along as long as the chickens are alive (they are "carriers").

Marek's is another possibility.
Thanks for responding! :) Unfortunately I wasn’t able to send anything in for testing. I did find a website that you can order Mareks testing on live birds for $20. If he doesn’t get better I may go that route. I think the website is

I have dealt with respiratory disease, wry neck and limping before in the past, yes.

I checked for mites last night and there wasnt a single bug on him. I also checked the crop this morning and it is empty. He pooped in front of me yesterday and his poop looks normal.

I’m hoping this is just a sprain but time will tell.

should I put poultry cell in the water or give it directly?
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Thanks for responding! :) Unfortunately I wasn’t able to send anything in for testing. I did find a website that you can order Mareks testing on live birds for $20. If he doesn’t get better I may go that route. I think the website is

I have dealt with respiratory disease, wry neck and limping before in the past, yes.

I checked for mites last night and there wasnt a single bug on him. I also checked the crop this morning and it is empty. He pooped in front of me yesterday and his poop looks normal.

I’m hoping this is just a sprain but time will tell.

should I put poultry cell in the water or give it directly?
That's a good idea to send in for the testing, see what comes back, it may give you good information on what/how you need to treat and move forward.

I prefer to give the poultry cell directly at 1cc per 3 pound of weight. My birds don't seem to like it in water so they don't drink it. If he will drink the vitamin laced water, then that's good too.

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