Limping duck and Lame duck


Nov 10, 2021
Yesterday, one of my call ducks took a fall and wouldn’t get up and also couldn’t walk when we helped her up. We medicated her with vet prescribed anti inflammatory stuff. She’s better today just has a bit of a limp and is eating and drinking, she even laid an egg. Randomly out of no where, my perfectly healthy Rouen Clair duck has gone completely lame or however you say it. She is completely unable to walk or stand up, she can’t even shake herself to dry. She won’t eat or drink. I’ll attach pictures of her to this but if anyone could identify what is going on to my ducks I would appreciate it. (Regarding the picture) she is inside now because we want her to be safe. She top of the pecking order so being bullied by others isn’t likely.


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How old are your 2 ducks that are lame? The one that took a fall may have a sprain so rest and water therapy with some liquid B complex can help her get over this 1ml over a tasty treat daily. Keep her where she isn't having to try and keep up with the flock. Did you check her over for broken bones?

The Rouen Clair is how old? what are you feeding them and have they ever had extra niacin? is she egg-laying age? when did she lay last?

Same as for your Call rest and water therapy and liquid B complex is the best way to treat. Good, you have her inside give her some warm water baths so she can use her legs without the weight of her body make sure to supervise. The Liquid B complex I keep referring to is at TSC it will say injectable but we use it orally over a treat.
How old are your 2 ducks that are lame? The one that took a fall may have a sprain so rest and water therapy with some liquid B complex can help her get over this 1ml over a tasty treat daily. Keep her where she isn't having to try and keep up with the flock. Did you check her over for broken bones?

The Rouen Clair is how old? what are you feeding them and have they ever had extra niacin? is she egg-laying age? when did she lay last?

Same as for your Call rest and water therapy and liquid B complex is the best way to treat. Good, you have her inside give her some warm water baths so she can use her legs without the weight of her body make sure to supervise. The Liquid B complex I keep referring to is at TSC it will say injectable but we use it orally over a treat.
They are both a year old, they lay fine. They are both eating the same duck mix bought from our local poultry shop. It has been feeding them fine for the last year. They are now both refusing to even stand and barely eat or drink. I’ll give the Liquid B complex a go.
I'd def get them both on the liquid B complex I sure hope it's a niacin deficiency because the b complex works so good on getting them over it.
No other symptoms? how does their poop look? Have you tried making their feed soupy with warm water and see if they will try it that way?

Is a vet an option? For both to go down at the same time is worrisome.
I'd def get them both on the liquid B complex I sure hope it's a niacin deficiency because the b complex works so good on getting them over it.
No other symptoms? how does their poop look? Have you tried making their feed soupy with warm water and see if they will try it that way?

Is a vet an option? For both to go down at the same time is worrisome.
I live in Australia and I cannot use Tractor Supply. What are the details on this liquid B complex?

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