Link to telling sex of Rhode Island Red Rooster and Hens

Had to get rid of one of my RIR yesterday due to finding out it was a Rooster. However now I'm noticing another "smaller" one that is starting to look similar! Here's a pic. Can you guys help me out?
Please help! I've posted on other threads and have been told all of our RIRs are roosters, I think because of the red combs, but all pics I see of RIR hens have big red combs too. We would love to get opinions from RIR experts :D

They are between five and six weeks old, purchased from TSC, unsexed.

Thanks very much!!
I bought three Rhode Island Reds for my flock and they all might be hens I lucked out but of the other breeds lookks like mostly roosters I have 8 total had 9 but one died the first week looks like most of the others are roosters at least one I am 90 persent sure.
So far I have noticed the RIR cockerels have white on their wings where they connect to the body, the pullets have darker wings. You can see the two of them side by side in the upper right hand corner. Cockerel is looking to the right. They are two and half weeks.

The two chicks in the middle are males. The two on the outside are female.
Based on head stripe theory, would you say pullet or cockerel?


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