Little bantam chick asks "what am I?"


13 Years
May 8, 2010
Picked up some mixed bantams at tsc recently, and along with them I got three of these little ones. They are completely confusing me! Now they almost look like a golden sebright (as a couple people have suggested elsewhere) due to their face, but their body coloration is completely off, one is even getting white feathers along with the the rest of their wing feathers. Some one brought up that they look like mixes they had of silver and gold sebright crosses, but these are tsc hatchery chicks, so I really couldn't see something like that happening. Any ideas?



Compared to a golden sebright we got a couple weeks before

The bottom chick is not a golden sebright if it has a straight comb like it appears to have in that picture. From what I can see of their combs the top chick actually looks more golden sebright to me.
Huh, good call! So if the bottom chick isn't a sebright, than what else could it be? I only know of three types of golden laced birds and with the straight comb and coloration it has it doesn't fit any of the three. Could it be a poor quality hatchery sebright?
I would guess even poorer quality hatchery sebrights would still have rose combs or at least not single combs. Maybe it is a Golden Laced OEGB chick? I am not sure what hatchery your TSC gets their chicks from but ours come from Ideal and I know Ideal does have the Golden Laced OEGBs.
I can see a hatchery Sebright having a single comb. I ordered some chicks from Ideal and ended up with single combed Wyandottes. Hatcheries are more concerned with quantity and production rather than quality and breed standards.

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