Little Bitty Eggs


9 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Granite Falls, WA
I have a mixed flock of 12 standard sized hens and one rooster that are all about 21-22 weeks old. One of them has started laying and has been at it going on two weeks now. The thing is, she is laying a little bitty egg that doesn't seem to be getting any bigger. I have a flock of girls who are about a year and a half so I remember that when they started laying the eggs were small but theirs quickly grew to a "normal" sized range. The smallest I get from the big girls is 54 grams (1.9 ounces) and ranges up to about 68 grams (2.4 ounces).

The eggs I'm getting from my new layer is 40 grams (1.41 ounces). It did get a little bigger and she was gaining a gram a day for a few days but now they're not and she's stopped at 40g. She is a Silver Laced Wyandotte and the first layer of the bunch. I know Wyandotte's have a reputation for laying later so I'm wondering if maybe since she started so early they're just small? I have four other Blue Laced Red Wyandotte's, one looks like her comb and wattles are getting her closer to lay but the other two aren't anywhere near ready yet. They and the SLW are all about the same size. These are my first Wyandotte's that have made it to lay (lost two last year before they could) so I don't have any reference for what size eggs they lay but I thought they'd be a little bigger!

So what do you think? Am I destined to have to put two of her perfect but tiny eggs in my egg poaching cups to get one normal size breakfast or do I just need to be patient a little longer? I don't have a picture but I can take one if necessary. I'm in Washington and we're lucky to get a nice day so major amounts of heat isn't the issue and nobody is sick that I can tell. Rooster boy isn't getting romantic with them yet but all other rooster duties are being filled. I'm still pretty new at this (only had chickens about a 1.5 years) so I don't know what dynamics would affect it.

Thanks for any info!
i've got 12 SLW hens that are 21 weeks. got the first egg from the lot at around week 19 and still haven't gotten a "normal" sized egg. i usually get 2 to 3 eggs form them a day now though. i'd guess that it takes them a little while to get the kinks worked out.

edit: more info have 2 SLW roos in with the girls, same age. they were late crowers but they have been "romantic" with the girls for weeks now. wyandottes are listed as laying large eggs so i think it will just take a little time.
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I only have as much experience as you do but I am going through the same thing. My EE have been laying for about 3 weeks now and the size of the eggs seems to be going up and down. Seems like as soon as the eggs start gettng more of a normal size then they go back to smaller ones. From what I have been told it takes a few months for there laying routine and size of the eggs to settle in.
Well I guess I'll just be patient then! When my big girls started laying they were small initially but they quickly settled into a regular sized egg and stayed there with very little variation. I guess that's the overachiever flock!

They are cute little eggs but I'll be glad if she ups the size at some point. Thanks for your input, I feel better now.

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