Little chicken


6 Years
Dec 30, 2013
Hi all! I have a little chicken who lost her sister to a predator in Dec. She stopped laying for four months and started becoming really mean to the other hens. In the late spring, she started laying again in a secret location and got broody. When we discovered her stash, there were 12 eggs there. We removed them, but then she stopped laying again. Started dropping feathers like crazy and now is completely removing herself from the other hens. She sits and watches them from a distance. No eggs. No illness. No other signs of problems. She's about a fourth of the size of the other chickens, but is the only one who pecks at the others. PS- mine free range all day, except at night. Any ideas of what might be going on?
Hi, it sounds like your little lady has gone from broody to moulting. Unfortunately they stop laying during both of these hormonal events. :) Up her protein and she will eventually start laying again.
She has free access to 20% protein feed all day, plus she loves eating her yogurt and shredded cheese breakfast and dinner. How else do I increase her protein?
Go easy on the dairy products, too much calcium causes gout . As she is not laying she will not be utilising all that calcium. Just keep treats to a minimum. 20% should be sufficient protein but with the other treats is she eating much in the way of pellets?

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