Little cuts on his beak -- what to do

Lamar Estate

8 Years
Mar 3, 2011
St. Paul, Minnesota
Sebastian has little cuts on the top and sides of his beak from rubbing it against the wire fencing and chicken wire in his run. Is there anything I should put on the cuts? It looks like the cuts bled a little bit.

It was difficult to get good pictures of the cuts, but this gives you the general idea.


Thank you,
Is he fighting another bird through the fence or reaching for grass? Perhaps hardware cloth along the bottom of your fence would keep this from happening.
Sadly, Bunsen (Cayuga drake) keeps chasing him. Sebastian is trying to get through the door which is constructed with wire fencing the chicken wire.

Sebastian is such a sweetheart. So much for a Sebastopol "fighting goose" or a watch goose.

Perhaps Bunsen needs his own little pen. Sebastian is still just a 'big kid' one day he will figure out that he can kick butt. Those scrapes are not too bad, but I would be concerned that he might injure himself more seriously.
You're probably right. Another pen is just not in the budget right now. In the meantime, I don't know what to do. I have been alternating them between outside and inside, which is NOT an ideal situation. Ugh!
I've known of instances where fanciers have hobbled (with strings, straps, etc) aggressive birds to slow them down. After a couple of days of hobbling their attitude has generally been 'adjusted' by their flock mates. This was done with pigeons so I am not certain how it would work with other species.

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