Little eraser like eggs!


In the Brooder
Sep 2, 2017
I have 4 Australorps that have been laying for about 3 weeks. The eggs are very small and look like pink erasers. I have read that they're supposed to be large to extra-large. Is there something wrong with my chickens?
The eraser on the end of a pencil or the Pink Pearl rectangle? Gotta see that second one!

Can you post a photo with something beside it for scale?
This is from one of my australorps.


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Perfect little beginner egg! Collect them each day, put them in their own egg box, and when you have a dozen, look at each one in order that they were laid. You will be able to see each egg is slightly larger than the preceding egg. They usually become full size within two weeks.
Have you cracked one of these erasers open?
Are they just small eggs or farty-fairywind eggs?
My black australorp Margaret, has been laying for about a month.
Her eggs definitely aren't very big. They are getting bigger though.
They eat high quality layer feed in the morning, and have access to the feed plus free range til twilight.
Lucky chickens, they get herbs, fruits and veggies as treats.
I bought a cooking scale for $10(ounces vs grams) at Walmart because the curiosity was killing me.
She's up to a 50 gram egg now.
That's a good idea to weigh them. Thanks for the info I've been comparing them to my americana's witch are much larger and the same age as the Australorps.

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