Little Giant Hatch Along

I will be setting eggs at the end of the month. I just got my little giant yesterday. I will have 3 buff orpington, 3 mixed breed eggs and I want to do three more I am thinking of ordering austrolorp but not sure yet.
First let me thank this forum..

Got home today and Little Giants at almost 106. I counted to ten. Turned the eggs.

Highest reading the last three days was 103. Digital keeps high and lows throughout the day.

Have read that 105 for 30 mins ruins the eggs. Then in this forum a success story..

Hope restored..

And then I did not put all my eggs in one basket - Octagon 20 has the other half. Jury is still out..
My lovely, adorable 3 year old unplugged my bator, during a game of hide and seek, with an unknowing family was not more then 2 hrs, tops. When I realized it was unplugged, i checked the temp, and it was this bad enough to kill my babies??? I am soooo trying not to freak out but.......OMG so soooooo bummed. What are you guys experiences with power outages and what not, lasting nearly 2 hours! Please give me some hope! TY
Are yall still hatching lol.......shame on you!

Haha so am I i have 42 hatching right now several have zipped and pipped today.....and then next week I have another 42 chicks hatching.

Good luck everyone
Hi, I might be coming back to do this all again. I have family members that might want to raise their own chickens and I told them that if they did want to buy chicks that I would incubate them. I will be hopefully getting some more eggs from friends unless of course I never get rid of my roos. LOL

But since our babies are only 7 weeks, it will be a while yet before they start to lay.
Last winter on our coldest night we lost power. The power had already been off for a couple of hours when I discovered the power was off, my incubator temp was 78 degrees. Luckily I had a battery pack and an inverter. I plugged the incubator into it and got the temp back up. After a couple of more hrs the power came back on. I still had a good hatch.
Hello /img/smilies/frow.gif

I am on day 3 in my little giant and have 21 eggs that I am really hoping some will hatch. I was wondering if anyone else is going to be setting or has set some eggs in a little giant and would like to join me. For eggs I have 8 silkie, 3 Marans, 3 Ameraucana, 5 EE's, and 2 Barnyard mixes /img/smilies/tongue.png

EDITED: Please do not come and post negative comets, Thanks /img/smilies/smile.png
When did you pull vent plugs I'm on day15 and wondering if I should pull pne

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