Little Henrietta still not standing up & now we have booty issues! ..up the doodie creek y'all


Aug 5, 2019
First, thanks to everyone who has offered advice and support for little Henrietta! She was bullied at the store by the larger & stronger chicks and was in trouble. She's clearly a very strong little gal. She battled for life a day or two before being noticed. I imagine that coming into such a big, cold world all alone & then being shuffled around & finally trapped with bigger, stronger chicks that beat you up at every turn must be about the most terrifying experience ever. Yet, she's still fighting. We can only surmise what her condition was from hatching to the point of adoption.
She's eating boiled egg yolk mixed with starter crumbs.
I bought Nutridrench yesterday and added a small drop to the food. This may have been a bad idea but she's eating more so I thought it would be better than adding to the water. She is drinking and I'm trying to give just warm water. She is under the heat lamp, but when the temperature hits 85°+ I have turned it off as I don't want to cook them!
She's still separated from the other chicks and being kept on my closed in back porch. She is laying on pine shavings in a box. I have her wrapped in a towel when I bring her in to eat but have been leaving food and water that she can reach, while she's alone. My friend suggested a stuffy for comfort so she has a soft duckling stuffy to snuggle.
I have been cleaning up her poo with a soft tissue and trying to keep her bottom dry. The egg yolk got her eating good, but made her poo runny and so I started applying vaseline. I cleaned her bottom with warm water and literally blow dried it myself. Then applied vaseline with a tissue. I noticed today that her bum is a little swollen and even more red than it was. I have been noticing that she's puckering her lil poo shooter and that's continuing.
I did not wash it this morning as wanted to ask for advice first. There's nothing sticking to her. I have gently patted her bottom with a soft dry tissue after a poo. I was tempted to apply zinc ointment but wanted to check first with you lovely people because I don't know what the heck I'm doing here! Pardon the expression but I'm totally winging this one! Lol. Actually, I have been given some great advice by members here & by a friend on another site who has really provided life saving support and guidance to help this baby.
The swelling & bruising of the right eye has gone down and is almost normal looking now, but she's still keeping the eye closed. I don't think she has vision in that eye.
She definitely has feeling in her bottom and her little legs but she's not standing at all or even trying. She uses her wings and kind of scoots & kicks to move around but she doesn't even do that much. The one time I saw her standing was at the store and her legs were splayed out very wide apart with her wings outstretched.
I'm willing to help her to any extent within my financial & physical capabilities. I try to support her little body and flex her legs a couple of times a day and even wondering how to make a device to help her move around and strengthen her legs.
I graciously welcome any ideas, information from experience with similar situations and thoughts on helping her!! I don't want her to suffer, so as long as she has hope then I will not consider abandoning her. She's fought so hard to live. I believe she deserves the best chance possible to enjoy life.
Thank you in advance for helping me to help her!


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:hugs I see she's still with you!
I would just use the vaseline or a little coconut oil on her bottom.
For the Nutri-Drench, I would direct dose her....2-3 drops 2 times a day. You can drop the drops 1 at a time on the side of her beak, let her take it in, or dip a qtip in the PND and press it against her beak, you will see her move her beak and tongue to pull it in.

As for the legs - the only time you say her stand, the legs were splayed? You can try hobbling her as shown in the chicken chick article. She may benefit from being hobbled and placed in a chick chair for short periods of time too.
:hugs I see she's still with you!
I would just use the vaseline or a little coconut oil on her bottom.
For the Nutri-Drench, I would direct dose her....2-3 drops 2 times a day. You can drop the drops 1 at a time on the side of her beak, let her take it in, or dip a qtip in the PND and press it against her beak, you will see her move her beak and tongue to pull it in.

As for the legs - the only time you say her stand, the legs were splayed? You can try hobbling her as shown in the chicken chick article. She may benefit from being hobbled and placed in a chick chair for short periods of time too.

Hello and thank you so much for your help! I only read a little of the article so far, but from what I read and saw, splayed legs is not the issue with her. Her feet are not curled up or pointed in or outward. Her legs hang & move properly and she seems to have feeling in them, but she seems to be unable to stand up and walk. It's possible that she sustained some spinal injuries in the store as the other chicks had beaten her up terribly by the time I saw her. It's clear that she sustained head injuries and that she was blinded in her right eye, but beyond that, I'm not sure what might be happening. She has a yellow dot in the eye. I'm concerned that it could be infected. I am wondering if I could boil some Oregano or Rosemary and add a few drops of the water to her drinking water as they have antibiotic properties? I contemplated applying coconut oil lightly to the eyelid as well as adding a drop to her food, but I feared it might upset her stomach or burn her eye.
I will definitely give her the Nutridrench as you suggested! Should I continue giving her the egg yolk?
I will look into the chick chair. I've never heard of it until you mentioned it! Thank you again! I'm feeling pretty lost in this situation. I am considering asking the store for support as she was injured there, but it isn't likely that they will do anything other than to offer me a refund sadly.
I have no idea about the rosemary and oregano.

I would try to get her eating wet chick starter, you can still offer some boiled or scrambled egg too.
For the eye, flush it with saline or use a warm compress soaked in saline to see if you can get the eyelid open. A yellow dot in the eye could be infection if she was pecked. Get some photos of that if you can.

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