
In the Brooder
Feb 7, 2017
Hi guys! So I went out to the coop like 10 minutes ago and I looked at the floor of the coop and I saw what looked like an anthill got broken in the coop and I deep cleaned it like a month ago. It was literally spotless so I was really confused. I looked closer and saw that the bedding (pine shavings) was moving!! I looked even closer and saw a bunch of teeny tiny white worms in the bedding. It's too late to clean out the coop and I have school tomorrow. Anyone know how to treat this quickly and effectively and anyone have any idea what the worms are. I can post a picture tomorrow, but right now there's no light out. I guess I could try, but it might be bad quality. Anyways, none of my chickens have showed signs of illness. Should I place them elsewhere for the night or leave them? One of my chickens sleeps on the floor and I'm afraid the worms might attack her. How do I deep clean the coop of them and prevent them? I just had an issue with leg mites and put diatomaceous earth everywhere! How do I cure my chickens and make sure they're healthy? Thanks so much!!
I do not have a vet who works with chickens so I am on my own here. I also saw that diatomaceous earth can be used a dewormer, but I have also seen that it doesn't work. Any thoughts on that would be great. Please help!
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They could be maggots.
Can you get a picture of them tomorrow?

Make sure their isn't any spilled feed.
I don't think they're maggots unless maggots are tinier than a piece of string. I do have a chicken that has poop all over her bottom (we've tried everything to keep her clean) so I don't know. I can try and get a picture now. It might not be great, but I'll try.
Make sure they are not termites or ants swarming. its the time of year for that and relatively harmless, if the chickens eat them, i"d let them unless it is maggots, but maggots are fat things
Since it looked like an anthill, it might be ant larvae. Maggots or fly larvae can be common around chicken droppings. Pictures might help. Can you get some permethrin dust or liquid spray to use? It is safe for coops and for chickens. The chicken with the droppings needs to be washed off with soapy water to help prevent flystrike, which can be dangerous.
Was going to advise you to check with KikisGirls, but see she has already chimed in. She seems very knowledgeable. As are others on this site. Good luck
I had the same experience where I had covered the nest boxes until they started laying.
BAD idea, they promptly pooped on it, and I couldn't see that as it was over my head.
Finally, I decided to uncover the boxes, and that's when I saw .. those same tiny worms, that I determined was small hatching maggots.
I cleaned all but one section out that I couldn't reach .. the very next morning I had a dead chicken laying on that very spot .. My question is will maggots kill a chicken, and if so, can it happen overnight? I was very upset as she was one of my favorites (a polish)

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