Live and Learn...


8 Years
May 31, 2011
So here's the story:

About 5 weeks ago I bought an 'Ameracauna Pullet' from another user here on BYC.
Now I don't think this person had any bad intentions by any means,but let me tell you,if I'd known I wouldn't be getting exactly what I was paying for,I wouldn't have bought.

At the time I wasn't entirely sure what Ameracaunas looked like as chicks,I didn't know they weren't dark or 'masked'.
I paid $5.00 to get the tiny chick out of a box 2 times smaller than my own brooder.
It held 10 times the chicks within it's tiny space,with the woman pulling out a dead one right in front of me!

After research and asking,I found I'd actually been sold a Silver Laced Wyandotte.
A far cry from an Ameracauna,yes,and more than likely a roo at that.
I know at the time that I'd bought the chick for 2 reasons:
1. I thought it was an Ameracauna pullet
2. To get it out of that tiny space where other chicks were dying

These days the almost 4 weeks old the chick is healthy and happy,albeit loud,yet loving.
My little Peanut,who's never looking back from where he came from.



We live and we learn,we wise up and avoid more mistakes.
Sometimes that soft spot to help someone or something will get you though,so beware!
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It almost looks rumpless. Does it have tail feathers? If not, you may have gotten an Auracana, which, in my opinion, is even cooler than an Ameraucana. And pretty hard to find as well.
Nope,no tail feathers and bordering 4 weeks.That the feathering is coming soooooo slowly is what really kinda tipped me off with the whole roo thing.
I was hoping just a slow developer but these days that doesn't seem to be the case unfortunately.
Oh well,Peanut is gonna live out his life with me,and I'll be sure to make it a good one
Very possible that it's an Araucana, or at least a mix of one. Easter Eggers often get marketed as Ameracaunas, by the way, and many Easter Eggers have Araucana blood.
I would say its probbably not a Wyandotte. I agree with the above post. You may hhave gottan an Easter Egger that has a very strong Araucana rumpless gene, which is actually pretty darn cool.
I'm sorry that you didn't get the chick you wanted

You'd think a BYC user would be more honest than most, but evenso, flukes can happen.

Unless the seller crossed her Wyandottes with her Araucanas, you do not have Ameraucana genes present in your baby. The face pattern is very very specific to a very few breeds; none of them Araucana or Ameraucana.

Here is a picture of Wyandotte chicks that are a bit younger and less feathered than yours. They have the destinctive face: laced Wyandotte chick/farmchooks/DSC07543.jpg

For your sake, I hope that this is a cross that holds at least part of what you are looking for. However, I have had roos that remained 'rumpless' until about 6 to 7 weeks, then grew their tails like crazy.

Not trying to be a downer, just don't want you to have expectations of your little Peanut that he can't fulfill.

Now if you expect him to be adorable and pretty, you're totally on track! Give him a snuggle for me:love
shall do
despite him pecking my eye last night and quite possibly messing up my vision,I still love the little guy

Peanut is the first one I've hand raised,and I'm never looking back with him,I feel like a rooster crowing in the morning is a little anthem to let everyone know HEY!HERE WE ARE!
I feel like raising this baby to the best of my ability despite the little disappointments is a reward in itself,these days he hops out of the brooder,jumps on my bed,and sleeps on my face!

I love him,and I'm completely determined to prove everyone in my house and in my nerighborhood wrong!They all think roos are vicious animals bent on human's quite sad.
I'll prove them wrong,it might be awhile,but I'll do it!

Thank you all so much,I really needed the help to determine my little guys traits here.I think he's a bit of a mutt,but loved all the same!
Thank you!!!

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