Live video from my incubator -- streaming now!


9 Years
Apr 23, 2010
Hi Everyone-
I've got eggs hatching in the next day or so (1 of 13 pipped so far). It's a bit like watching paint dry, but you can see the live stream here. I'll be posting regular updates on Facebook, if you want to be notified when a chick's about to hatch. :)

Here's what's in the incubator:
2 Red Star mixes
2 EEs
6 Welsummer+Faverolles
1 Cochin
1 Welsummer+Cochin
1 Leghorn+Cochin
Very cool
Someone else on this board did a live stream as I was getting ready for my first hatch back in April, and I found it really helpful to see just how long it takes! Glad to hear it may be useful to you too. Thanks for watching!

We're up to 3 chicks now -- one Cochin x Welsummer (silver chick) and two Faverolles x Welsummer (one with 4 toes, one with 5). Plus several more on the way.
Thanks for watching! I ended up with 1 Cochin x Welsummer, 2 black mystery chicks, and 5 awesome little Faverolles x Welsummers (which I got from a BYC member). Really cute little guys. Another hatch is due next weekend and I'm planning to stream that one as well. :)
Thanks for watching! I ended up with 1 Cochin x Welsummer, 2 black mystery chicks, and 5 awesome little Faverolles x Welsummers (which I got from a BYC member). Really cute little guys. Another hatch is due next weekend and I'm planning to stream that one as well. :)

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