loan chick


9 Years
May 2, 2014
i have one poor chick. It's about 5 days old. My hubs would only allow me one. (We lost one from our flock a few weeks back) this little baby is SO attached to me. Poor babe is ALways chirping until I pick it uP. What have I created. Any advice on how I can make it a little more independent ? I have a red heat lamp,stuffed toy and a big mirror.
I have a concern along the same line, here. My day old chick deliveries are on consecutive Saturdays. The first Saturday, I only want one chick, but the next Saturday is when my other 3 breeds arrive. Would my first chick be ok for just one week by herself?
I have a concern along the same line, here. My day old chick deliveries are on consecutive Saturdays. The first Saturday, I only want one chick, but the next Saturday is when my other 3 breeds arrive. Would my first chick be ok for just one week by herself?

It's not ideal, but yes, it should be ok for a few days (though it will be loud and unhappy). It's really best if you just get two that day. Give it a feather duster or something to "fake" a momma hen with.
I just went and got 2 more. They were marked assorted pullets.

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