Local News Story Battery Hens

Do you believe the government has a right to over half of everything you work for?
Do you have a choice about giving it to them?
It's theft plain and simple.
They might not be holding a gun to your head, but they hold the threat of imprisonment over your head, and that makes it extortion which is by definition stealing.

By doing so they drive all costs of society up, and enslave the people of that society.
It's what has caused every society to collapse in the past, and the closer a society comes to collapse people find more and more unjust ways to make a living, thus you have battery pens with 5 chickens instead of 2
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Ugh, just shows how so many people try to make an unfair living in this world!
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Settin'_Pretty :

Do you believe the government has a right to over half of everything you work for?
Do you have a choice about giving it to them?
It's theft plain and simple.
They might not be holding a gun to your head, but they hold the threat of imprisonment over your head, and that makes it extortion which is by definition stealing.

By doing so they drive all costs of society up, and enslave the people of that society.
It's what has caused every society to collapse in the past, and the closer a society comes to collapse people find more and more unjust ways to make a living, thus you have battery pens with 5 chickens instead of 2

Roughly 1/7 of the USA GNP is government spending.
2/3 of the USA GNP is consumer spending.

You tell me, what has more influence? How you spend your money and on what kinds of foods effects the world in which you live. How you choose to shop has a larger effect than anything the government could ever do. So, I still completely blame the consumer for this situation, not government.

You must sell tinfoil to be turned into hats.​
Roughly 1/7 of the USA GNP is government spending.
2/3 of the USA GNP is consumer spending.

You tell me, what has more influence? How you spend your money and on what kinds of foods effects the world in which you live. How you choose to shop has a larger effect than anything the government could ever do. So, I still completely blame the consumer for this situation, not government.

You must sell tinfoil to be turned into hats.

What does that have to do with profit margins to the individual companies?
Companies are in business to make a profit, the more the government mandates from them the less the profit.

So your solution is for 95% (their stats) of the population to just quit buying eggs?
Yep, starving ourselves will sure send them a stern warning.

Get the government out of it, and they can make profits again.

As for the video itself, according to the woman at the university, they weren't following the the guidelines, that's really the issue isn't it?
Make them comply or shut them down until they do.

I respect your way of farming grayfields, but if you have one bad year you can loose it all, right?
Then where will you be and where will the people be that depend on you be?

What happened to all the small farms that used to cover America?
What made them all go belly up?
How do you propose to feed the worlds population if these "factory farms" are shut down?

I don't like them, but as the video said, they feed 95% of the population, and that's a population that is already living in debt thanks to our government controlling everything.

I also disagree with your 1/7 gnp going to government spending, since they take a LOT more then that from each and every worker in this country, that money is going somewhere.

You think the government isn't controlling all this and causing most of this to happen?
Sure you're always going to have some out there that break the rules who get greedy BUT who has us in the situation we're in now?

The government pressured the lending institutions to float loans to people who could not afford houses.
The government raised property values to get higher property tax revenues.
The speculators saw what was coming and bought up properties further raising prices.
The bubble burst and the government stepped in and printed money to bail out the lending institutions.
Printing money caused the dollar value to drop, because the more there is the less it's worth.
The drop in the dollar raised the price of crude per barrel, because the dollar isn't worth as much.
The higher fuel costs caused food prices to go up because it cost more to get that food to market.

The higher the cost of living is also the higher the cost to produce.
The higher the cost to produce, means finding ways to increase production without any added cost to raise the profit margin.

Now of corse there is more to it, China's added hunger for oil for one, but the government cut our throats even without china and other factors.

And you say you're an economist?
If I'm selling tin hats, then I guess you're wearing one of them. ROFLOL
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Settin'_Pretty :

Do you believe the government has a right to over half of everything you work for?
Do you have a choice about giving it to them?
It's theft plain and simple.
They might not be holding a gun to your head, but they hold the threat of imprisonment over your head, and that makes it extortion which is by definition stealing.

By doing so they drive all costs of society up, and enslave the people of that society.
It's what has caused every society to collapse in the past, and the closer a society comes to collapse people find more and more unjust ways to make a living, thus you have battery pens with 5 chickens instead of 2

If you can find a better country to live in, let me know. I will come for a visit and meet you for coffee.

If the government is taking over half your income, you have a very healthy income.

I don't mind paying taxes to better my life. I like paved roads, public services, parks, libraries and museums. I pay my fair share and am glad to do it to live where I live. Would I like to see a different way of taxation and more accountability in government spending? Sure. But until it is accomplished (and I would hope from your passion you are doing something to make change for the better) I make do and do what I can and speak with my vote.

Now we have gone off topic enough. There are plenty of political forums to rant against the government. Just do a google search.

We are having eggs from free range, truly cage free hens tonight for dinner.
They will be delicious not only from their freshness, but because my conscience rests easy knowing they are well treated. I also sold a dozen to a neighbor at a lower price than the grocery store, knowing they will enjoy them and the reasons I keep hens.​
My point is to put the blame where the blame is due.
When these anti broiler house/ anti battery pen posts get going it's always blamed on the greed of the growers.
I'm sure there is a small percentage that are guilty of greed which results in animal cruelty, but I believe the majority of people in that field are honest caring hard working people just like you and me, and it isn't right to paint them as demons.

Would I personally run a company and raise and treat birds in that fashion?
No I wouldn't.

As I've stated before, my brother in law raises broilers and has 3 houses.
He works very hard, cares a great deal, and makes very little money for his trouble, and feeds a LOT of people, and is made to look like a demon on this board on a regular basis.
I just think people should look at the whole picture.
As I've stated before, my brother in law raises broilers and has 3 houses.
He works very hard, cares a great deal, and makes very little money for his trouble, and feeds a LOT of people, and is made to look like a demon on this board on a regular basis.
I just think people should look at the whole picture.

I am going to agree with you 100% on this. My family will be getting spent battery hens soon. I had to have this conversation with my kids when my oldest son said "he seems so nice but he HAS to be evil, doesn't he mom?". I had to explain that no, he isn't evil, he is trying to feed his family.

I would love to fix the world. I can't. None of us, alone, can. I just try hard to do my part.​
You change attitudes and buying habits by educating one person at a time. That is really the only way to start to fix what is wrong out there.
I couldn't agree more. People need to start thinking in terms of voting with their dollars. Every dollar you spend is supporting some type of system or industry. Education is the beginning, sure, but people need to take it one step further and no longer support what it is that offends their sensibilities. It's easy to feel helpless and hopeless about many different issues in this country, but the power we have as "consumers" is to make every dollar we spend count.
That only works to a certain limited extent.
Like I've said on this board elsewhere, people shouldn't buy products from China, but then what happens when all the products are from China, do you just do without and go live in a cave?
Who's fault is it that most of the products we use are coming in from China?
Who's fault is it we have lopsided trade agreements?
Who's fault is it that the cost of doing business in this country is so high?

People are going to buy what they need, and what they can afford.
Is a guy that has $70 for this weeks food going to spend $17.50 on one of Grayfields chickens or get one at the grocer for $3.00 to maintain his $10 a day budget for the week?
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