Local zoning laws need to be updated to consider the increase in backyard chicken keeping


7 Years
Aug 29, 2016
Villages need to decide whether the keeping of roosters is permitted or not. If they are going to permit roosters especially in communities where properties are minimum 2 acre zoning they need to clearly codify such elements as the distance of the coop from property boundaries, the number of chickens and roosters, the maintenance of the coop, etc. With the keeping of backyard chickens increasing over 5%/year on suburban properties over 2 acres this is rapidly becoming a problem among neighbors.
In incorporated villages along Long Island, NY's once bucolic north shore, owners of garish new Mc Mansions are at war with chickens -especially roosters. Vague noise ordinances are being used as tools in neighbor disputes that have nothing to do with a rooster...especially since police complaints have been filed when rooster noise is not audible over 430 feet from the next yard or even when a rooster has long since died! Fines in the thousands are being levied and irate rooster owners are causing unnecessary expense to local courts.

Backyard chicken owners need to educate our local governments and neighbors and advocate for our rights to raise our beloved birds in a humane way that respects the comfort and quiet of our neighbors. Well -considered and comprehensive rooster and animal noise ordinances would alleviate this strain on neighbors, police resources and local courts.

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