Lockdown but not hopeful.....:-(


11 Years
May 9, 2008
Clarkesville, GA
I set 45 eggs 18 days ago. I am pretty sure I have done everything right but the candleing thing is driving me nuts. I now only have 5 eggs left that I think might have something in there. The rest were clearly not doing anything.

Is this normal or am I a loser of a chicken hatcher?
Where did your eggs come from? If they candled clear, and were not fertile ... Well, that has nothing to do with your hatching skills!

Hmmm, 5 out of 45? Maybe there is an issue with the health of the parent stock?
i candle one time. at lockdown. a lot of things could be wrong with flock the eggs came from. young roo, infertile roo, feeding rations,eggs got to cold, were they shipped eggs, shipped eggs are a gamble like going to vegas. next time try to get some eggs from someone you know and trust. local eggs not shipped eggs. sound like the eggs were no good to start with for whatever the reason. i am on day 9 with some shipped eggs and today i threw out two that were rotten and stinking up the bator. i am not happy with the seller. they have been stinky since day two. in your case i would blame the eggs not being fertile.
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It could also be the incubator. My first 2 hatches were dismal. 2 out of 30 first time; and 6 out of 48 the second. I was using a homemade incubator that I figured out had bad cold spots that kept the eggs from developing.

What kind of bator are you using?

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