Lockdown May 18, 2014


8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
Ok..here goes.. dry incubation.. no water...NO RED PLUGS IN ..Day 18..removed egg turner and put eggs in a egg carton with bottom OUT..3 dozen..Temperature was consistant 99.5 - 100....humidity consistant 35 day l to 33 day 18....only one day did the humidity go as low as 30....removed screen and put 2 san pads (l in large slot on top of bator and 1 in bottom large slot) added WARM water then filled water troughs with same. put in therm. in bottom left corner - closed incubator and will not open till day 23 or if am lucky to get TOO MANY chicks hatch to cause a cluster problem.(Ha) I pray so... I want to document this hatch for newbies like myself to refer to in the future... I am using a foam LG incubator purchased at feed store....I do not candle eggs so the % ratio will be off ...I enjoy the anticipation and surprise that comes with waiting (we are a small hobby farm) I enjoy incubating ONE time a season because I have 7 broody hens to do the work and care of their chicks.. Hope this helps.. ..would like to say that i DID have a chick hatch on the 23rd day, was ready to pull the plug, woke up to the little chick looking around and wondering where am I, where did they all to..Ha.
Be blessed.
I will look forward to hearing your results.

Do you happen to know what your ambient room humidity is? We are so dry here that the humidity in my basement is about 35% calibrated). I was going to do a dry hatch but discovered that my moisture loss was way too much without adding water.

I almost forget to ask--does the incubator have a fan? I have been wondering if the fan dries the chicks out or sucks the moister out faster and have been thinking about getting a cheap-o styro without the fan to use as a hatcher.
Thank you for responding...I do have a Little Giant with FAN...I am in south Louisiana , does this help you? I used to do wet incubation but find it so much simpler for me...do you hatch in egg cartons? it is so much CLEANER and they do not struggle as much as on screen.. If I remember right the room humidity her was higher than 35%...tried to find it in my notes, in the 70's I think...does that sound right..This was in March...gotta go, will check in later....Glenda
Day 22 and hatching....10 so far...3 Buff Orpingtons for sure and 1 ee but cannot figure out where it is..Ha. all eggs except one were on the left side of incubator I see pipping on one other egg on right side of incubator....after this I will have to check to make sure the heating elements are ok....I am hoping for MORE than 10 natch....they are in egg cartons and are having no trouble..mess is staying in eggs..Yea!

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