Lonely male duck please help.

3-4 females per male is a *minimum* suggestion - sometimes they require even more, and if he picks a favorite girl theres not a lot you can do to change the situation and he can still overmate/harm her.

Not saying you cant do it, just something to be aware and prepared for if you choose to get females. You dont want something like that sneaking up on you.

Unless youre willing to add 3+ more birds to your flock I'd try another male. They should be pretty easy to find, not many people want to keep males.
Thankyou that's very helpful! I am also worried that the new male I am getting is going to try and mount my chickens because he's used to being around female ducks. Is this something I need to be worried about ?
Thankyou that's very helpful! I am also worried that the new male I am getting is going to try and mount my chickens because he's used to being around female ducks. Is this something I need to be worried about ?
Yes absolutely he will mate your chickens without female ducks around. If he does mate them it could cause serious injury or death
Thankyou that's very helpful! I am also worried that the new male I am getting is going to try and mount my chickens because he's used to being around female ducks. Is this something I need to be worried about ?
Yes, a duck trying to mate a chicken can kill it, they do not have compatible anatomy. Even if you got female ducks I'd still be worried that your existing male might try it one day, even if he's left them alone up to this point. If you have any male ducks they should be kept separate from chickens just in case.

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