lonely turkey


Sep 9, 2015
My turkey grew up in the county with a flock of chickens. Her owner, my daughter, is moving and sold the flock,and I have the turkey now. I think she is lonely and distressed, and has become aggressive. Any advice?
She needs some friends! What breed is she? What kind of agressive behavior is she exhibiting?
I don't know breeds but she is Brown, about 30 pounds, and about 2 years old or a little less. I used to pet her but now she strikes at me with her beak.
Send a picture. Lots of folks here are great at figuring out breeds. Not sure why she would start beaking you. Had she been friendly before your daughter moved?
I'll try to post a picture if I can figure it out. At her old home, miss turkey had lots of room to roam as she followed "her" flock of chickens around. She wasn't usually aggressive unless she felt threatened, like by the dog. But now she is in a pen alone, and I think she may just be distressed.
I know turkeys are social animals.
Well, for starters, you could try the mirror trick, it works for younger birds. Not sure about older ones.
The problem with mirrors is they can become aggresive when they try to "protect" the bird they see in the mirror.

You should get another turkey.

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