Long shot, sexing silkie x cuckoo marans, what to expect?

Isn't he! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that maybe he is a she though. I don't know how large of a spot to expect on the head. These little babies love to keep us guessing! After the others hatch I'll have something to compare with!
We got four little babies! Not bad 4/6. I believe we have two boys & two girls. One has a little drop of red on their head but its not white! :/ idk. But they have the funniest poofy faces!
Little Girl #1


Little boy #1 He's got a little square head. Haha

#2. The first to hatch 3 days before everyone else.
Woo hoo! That's so cute! It is totally copper looking! I think I'll also go off of that when we name them. Thank you again for all of your help sexing these babies!
Congratulations on your hatch!! I just hatched 8 chickens from a silver laced Wyandotte too and cuckoo maran hen. I have six little black chicks and everyone has a white dot!!
I sure hope that doesn't mean all Roos!!!
Oh no! I'm sorry justcackle. That is a lot of boys. At least we are able to tell the sexes now thank you junebuggena. The day the rest of my chicks hatched ANOTHER one of my cuckoo marans went broody. I let her hatch two and both are boys. I think we are done with letting them hatch for a long while. I love watching them, though.

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