long term stomach bypass questions


Free Ranging
15 Years
Mar 19, 2009
My SO had a stomach bypass several years ago. It was not the lapband. Anyway, until just recently he was doing great with it. Lost a lot of weight, his diabetes went away and he looked great. Now though, he has trouble eating. Until recently he could eat normally, but now he has trouble finishing one tuna sandwich. He is continuing to lose weight although he is not trying to. Now this is a big man. He is six feet five and has a very large frame. Any ideas? So far getting him to tell the doctor about this has been an exercise in futility.
Could be some sort of obstruction. I'd highly recommend he go get himself looked at. Could also be scar tissue build-up obstructing food from passing through his digestive tract. That would explain the inabilty to eat- yesterdays breakfast may still be trying to process. Could potentially lead to rupture so again, go see the doc. If nothing else it would give some peace of mind
Could be some sort of obstruction. I'd highly recommend he go get himself looked at. Could also be scar tissue build-up obstructing food from passing through his digestive tract. That would explain the inabilty to eat- yesterdays breakfast may still be trying to process. Could potentially lead to rupture so again, go see the doc. If nothing else it would give some peace of mind
Sometimes we men need a push to the doctor.

Sometimes we men need a push to the doctor.

I've been pushing and shoving and asking and pleading. No dice. However he does have a doctor's appointment scheduled for right after the first of July. A long time to wait as far as I am concerned. Not a problem as far as he is concerned. He does seem a little better today, but I'm worried sick. Now if I were the one with these symptoms he would have drug me in when they started. But he is too big for me to drag and I can't drive his pickup. It's not made for short fat ladies and my car is still back in California.
Cassie, I think at this point, knowing there is something seriously wrong, I would threaten to pack up and leave because you don't wanna watch him die and actually DO IT if he doesn't move his arse.
I've been pushing and shoving and asking and pleading. No dice. However he does have a doctor's appointment scheduled for right after the first of July. A long time to wait as far as I am concerned. Not a problem as far as he is concerned. He does seem a little better today, but I'm worried sick. Now if I were the one with these symptoms he would have drug me in when they started. But he is too big for me to drag and I can't drive his pickup. It's not made for short fat ladies and my car is still back in California.

Start checking out single adds and when he asks what your doing tell him "if you're not going to the doctor I have to plan for next month"

if his renal function is good, then feed him GNC isopure, 2 scoops has 50 grams of protein, or a Robard meal replacement for gastric bypass patients, 26 grams protein, 10 grams carbs, 6 grams of fat, eggs are a good soft and easy and full of protein

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