Long time lurker has sexing question :)

agree with donrae and waiting for pictures
They are starting to hatch! So far we have Chicky 1 (picture 3) (who started hatching a whole day early). Appears to be black. Chicky #2 (picture 1) appears to be blue. Both came from an olive colored egg, so we know both are the mixes and not the pure marans. I did find out that the father is a Blue Copper Maran, not a black.

Basically I have no idea of how to tell sex LOL, they are adorable though!

They are starting to hatch! So far we have Chicky 1 (picture 3) (who started hatching a whole day early). Appears to be black. Chicky #2 (picture 1) appears to be blue. Both came from an olive colored egg, so we know both are the mixes and not the pure marans. I did find out that the father is a Blue Copper Maran, not a black.

Basically I have no idea of how to tell sex LOL, they are adorable though!

If they are Black Sex Links then the males will have white spots on top of their heads and the females will lack the white spots which means both of these in your pics are boys. But again as I indicated in my post, I have doubts that the sex linking is going to be reliable given the crosses in your hen, however I definitely want to see pics of them when they are old enough to sex by other means and see if that is actually the case.
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X2 on Donrae.

As you can see, the blue dad will throw blue or black with the Cuckoo hen combination which brings in the barring head dot (on boys) that is easy to see on the blue or black ground color....and yay...you did get blue!

So 2 boys thus far.

And yes post photos later so we can convince @Michael Oshay :D

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Okay, we're up to 8, one more might hatch, but the rest were duds.

I have what I think are 3 blue chicks (one's hard to tell if it's blue or black) 2 hens, 1 cockerel
4 blacks, 1 hen and 2 cockerels for sure, last one I think is a cockerel, but his dot is super small

And a surprise chick I'm not sure sex on. Did I somehow get 2 blue gene's in one and get a splash? It's like the lightest lavender color, so pretty.

Here is the backs of everyone heads (one black cockerel not pictured and surprise chick not pictured)

This is the darkest hen, her whole face and beak/comb are even black.

And the surprise chick!
If they are sex linked then you have 3 boys (those with white spots) and 3 girls (those without white spots) in the top photo. The chick in the 2nd photo is a girl. There is no way to determine for certain the gender of your surprise chick at this age.
Yup...you got a splash! Apparently the Cuckoo Marans had a blue diluter lurking in the background and the Blue Marans was the poppa. And yes, you won't be able to see any head spot on that one, so it will be a wait and see.

On the others...3 boys, 3 girls. (I think the one with the super tiny dot is a girl).

Yup...you got a splash! Apparently the Cuckoo Marans had a blue diluter lurking in the background and the Blue Marans was the poppa. And yes, you won't be able to see any head spot on that one, so it will be a wait and see.

On the others...3 boys, 3 girls. (I think the one with the super tiny dot is a girl).


Or more likely the EE he was crossed with carried blue.

I had fits with my splash sex links, they're a bugger! I'd look at that head in different light, trying and trying to see a head spot. I never could, and wound up with one pullet and one cockerel. Even when the cockerel got his barring in the hackle feathers it was very subtle and hard to see.

Otherwise, I agree with everyone else and your gender assessment looks correct. Nice hatch!

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