Longtime lurker, first-time poster!


In the Brooder
Sep 19, 2017
I've been reading BYC for months, but I finally bit the bullet (or perhaps "bit the bug" is more appropriate in this context)! I have four hens in my backyard coop just outside Denver, Colorado. We've got two Easter-Eggers, a Barred Rock, and a Rhode Island Red. All of them came from my local feed store, which sources their chicks from a local farmer. They are about to turn 6 months old. Only two of the girls—our BR Raven and one EE, bell—are laying thus far. I'm wondering if that's normal, even though they are all around the same age, and have been raised together (by me!) since they were all a few days old?

My guess is that they're all just their own little creatures and will lay in their own time, but I figured it can't hurt to "ask the audience." This site has been such a wonderful resource for me over the past several months; I'm grateful to be a part of this community!

The Accidental Chicken Lady
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You might want to check in over here:Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures

There are some especially helpful and knowledgeable members over there that are good for answering all sorts of health questions.

Best of luck to you. Thanks for joining us!
Thank you! I wasn't sure where to post that kind of inquiry, but didn't realize it had posted to new member introductions! Then, of course, I updated the post just as you wrote your reply; that's some law of the internet, right? Regardless, I'm re-posting my original query over there. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!

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