Look Lunch...


11 Years
Jan 31, 2008


That is what the kids say when we go check on the meat chickens....
Mine dont peck. They grow so fast their feathers cant keep up. They also put off so much heat that they dont keep their feathers.
k I am not sure if seeing those chickens is going to make it easier to eat them, because they are kind of unattractive, or if I am just feeling sorry for them. Ours are 10 days out and counting!

after I counted it was 10 out not nine
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That is one thing we have never done....become attached to the meat chickens.
We don't spend a lot of time with them or name them, just enough to feed and water and clean them out and make sure they are all good. We spend our time with our layers and they have names.

I haven't had to buy chicken, pork or beef from a grocery store in so long that I cant even remember. So, seeing them to us is just another meal. It took awhile to get in that mind set but that is all my kids know and they think its great.

I can understand you saying that you feel sorry for them, I did too when I first started out with meat chicks now its just second nature I guess.

Oh and the fact that they are ugly and stinky and all they do is eat and poop makes it easier to see them go.
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Oh they know we tell them daily..

The kids will sing :
Munch a bunch a lunch
Munch a bunch a lunch
la la la la la lunch


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