Look what I have now, and what goes in it! Happy Easter!


11 Years
Aug 28, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
I just got this a couple days ago and want to share. I am filling it up and now need some Dark Cornish eggs in a desperate way, but not hatchery birds.




I am just so happy with the new toy. HenZ
Thank you. The Sportsman 1502 below the eggs is my new toy. I don't think my post made that clear, but those eggs are now in there toasty and at perfect temps. I HOPE! All seems well on the digital control. If anyone has any idea how to make the BEEP that occurs every time the turner turns, please let me know. Every two hours it goes beep, beeep, beeeeeep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeep, screambeeeeeeeeeeeeep!
Nice !

That beeping sure would make me nuts ! My answering machine does it until you listen to the message - It's come really close to going out the window many a time ..... I'm on the hunt for a new one now - I just can't take it anymore !

Hope you find out how to disable it soon !

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