look what I woke uo 2!!!my heart is so heavy

Hardware cloth is good and if you have any weasles or small falcons around you should get 1/4 inch. Hope it all works out. A few years ago we lost 11 chickens in one night to a coyote - took a long time to get things back like they were.

so sorry Big Red...cannot fault the pup for doing what comes naturally...all pup parents not very responsible. hope some new chix will find there way to your heart soon.

I am so sorry! I will be thinking of you as you try to hatch your new babies! The best of luck to you!
I am thinking of running my electric fence out around the run, since what i have is not predator proof. I would think it would work good. It stopped my dogs from jumping our fence years ago. They did it ONE time after electric fence was added to top of split rail. I kept fence on for about a week. It hasnt been on since.

ETA: anyone with experience on this?
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I'm so sorry!! This will be good for my husband to see! I insisted that we buy heavy grade fencing 6 ft high for my run. Then we gathered huge rocks and placed all around the bottom. Lots of heavy work. He really did not like the expense or all the rock hauling. But better the expense and work than to lose chickens. I can not imagine your devestation! Once again...I'm so sorry!
I am sorry- it's a tragedy. 20 years ago my first batch of chicks was wiped out by raccoons. I cried for 24 hours straight. I had spent so much time loving them and raising them only to be killed by a predator who didn't even care about eating them. They only killed them. Leaving my house with my dead chicken bodies. It was disgusting and I was disheartenend.

Many years later I tried again, but I was smarter.

You can be mad at the dogs (and I've been mad when wild dogs or coyotes killed my sheep and I've shot them) Or you can be mad at their owners- but most likely they have no owner, but even if they do.... and this is totally against PETA, but it's the nature of things.

LOOK we dont' get furious when our chickens eat a bug,- no -we congratulate them. "Oh My Good Girls!" They are only being natural predators. Yet when their natural predators prey on them we are up at arms.

LEARN WHAT YOUR PREDATORS ARE. Protect against them. It may take several seasons to hit the learning curve. But you will hit it. Don't be hating the dogs because they ate some chicks, my dog loves his chicks and would protect them against anything. (Except maybe a tasty pair of sandals.) He loves them so much he likes to carry them in his mouth!

If you raise 100% of your chicks to a laying age or butchering age, you are in the distinct minority, or you must have been doing this a long time.

I am so sorry this happened to your flock. Thank you for being so brave and sharing your story. It has inspired me to be more vigilant when I free range, as we have a band of stray dogs that travels around our area.

I hope that you can overcome this tragedy soon.

Once again thank you all for all your conserns. I have a lil jack russell but she was in the house. Thank God they would have got her too probably. And the scarest thing is I do have a 3year old. No she doesn't stay outside alone but we do go outside alot. It really bother me cause I can't find the owner.

You guys have really help me threw this by reading your encouraging words. Thanks again


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