Looking for 3 or 4 Guine keets in middle TN


12 Years
Mar 6, 2007
I don't want to order a ton. but want a few to take care of the tick problem we have. thanks.
Robin If you know of any one who would have any email me please. I emailed the critterhaven people monday and yet to hear from them they must be too busy. Thanks Crystal
don't have any now,but have eggs in incubator that should hatch on or around the 20th.april,and I live in middle tennessee,monroe,about 35 miles north of Cookville.
mr. norm
I just went through cookville
I don't think I will be going through there again til possibly next month though
thanks Crystal
Crystal, be patient. Its really early for keets. I've got the girls locked in the coop until they lay their eggs today. Maybe I'll end up having some at the swap this month. If not me then maybe Christine or Phil will have some eggs. I know Phil set some in his bator last week but they won't be old enough before the Swap.
I actually posted that in march before I knew keets did come until may LOL/ Its amazing how much I have learned in a couple of months most of it from this board thanks peoples I love ya!! C
hey if you cant find your keets ,give me a e-mail ,I will be willing to hold them for you,have about twenty eggs in incubator -take what you want,3.00 a pc. mr.norm monroe tn

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